24. Chocolates.

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"And moreover you can't take him from me he is only mine and always be mine." Kook said possessively.

Daisy was about to say something but the cabin door opened and Tae entered.

"Here Bub have some snacks." Tae said giving him the snacks. He also gave some to Daisy.

"Thanks Oppa." Daisy said.

"Hubby where is the photo that I was painting. It not in the laptop." Kook asked.

"It's in my phone Bub. I have transferred my document and photos on my phone." Tae said.

"Give me.." Kook said forwarding his hand.

Tae gave his phone to Kook.

"I will finish my painting today after going home." Kook said.

"And what about studies hmm.." Tae asked.

"Today there was not any important class, so no study today..." Kook said with a bunny smile.

"Okay only for today from tomorrow I will start teaching you. No need to wait for Professor's to teach. If your concepts are clear from before it will be easy to understand when professor will teach." Tae said.

Kook nodded sipping his banana milk.

"Tae oppa can you also help me with my studies." Daisy said.

"I will tell Jimin to help you." Tae said.

"But can't you teach me. You can teach me when you will teach Jungkook. " Daisy said.

"No I can't." Tae said.

Daisy didn't said anything further.

"Hubby see this shoes..." Kook asked showing him the photo.

"You liked it??" Tae asked..

Kook nodded.

"Okay let me order it then..." Tae said..

"Thankyou hubby." Kook said.

Namjoon entered the cabin.

"Tae go and drop them home. Jin was asking about them." Namjoon said.

Tae nodded.

"You will come office again?" Kook asked.

"Yes Bub. I have an meeting to attend. After that me and Dad will come home." Tae said.

Kook nodded.

"Bye Dad." Kook said.


After that three of them went from there.

Soon they reached home.

"Go Bub I will come in evening okay." Tae said kissing his forehead.

"Bye come soon." Kook said and get off from the car. Daisy already went inside.

After Kook went inside Tae also went from there.

"Kook baby go and get fresh up after that have something." Jin said.

"No Mom I already had snacks." Kook said..

"Okay then after freshen up go to your studio Yoongi and Hobi is waiting there." Jin said.

"Okay Mom." Kook said and went from there.

"There is a studio in this house!?" Daisy said shockingly.

"Yes, Tae make it for Kook..." Jin said..

"Can I see it !?" Daisy asked.

"Sorry, Daisy but I don't think Kook will allow it. Anyways go and get freshen up if you want to eat anything come to kitchen I will be there." Jin said and went from there.

Daisy also went from there.

"What does he think of himself huh!? I will kill him...Yeah it's good plan I will kill him and make Tae mine.." Daisy was talking to herself.


After almost one hour the trio came out from the studio.

They came towards living room. Jin, Jimin and Daisy was also there.

Yoongi and Hobi went to seat with others and Kook went towards kitchen.

Kook opened the fridge and saw there was no chocolate. And his banana milk was also not there. It was the last bottle of banana milk, he had in the home.

Kook came out from kitchen with confused look on his face.

"Mom where is my banana milk and chocolates?" Kook asked.

"It was not in the fridge.!?" Jin said...

Kook shook his head in no.

"Sorry Jungkook I was craving chocolate yesterday. So I ate them and about your banana milk by mistake it fell from my hand." Daisy said..

"Why did you ate all of them!? Atleast you should have ask me before eating my chocolates." Kook asked angrily.

"And about banana milk you did it intentionally right because you think they are for children." Kook said..

"Why would I do that." Daisy said.

"Because there is no chance you touched banana milk mistakenly because both chocolate and banana milk was kept in different place." Kook said.

"Why are you behaving like a child??" Daisy said irritatedly.

"Because that was mine and you touched it without asking me.." Kook shouted.

"Kookie calm down I will tell Tae to bring banana milk and lots of chocolates okay." Jimin said..

"No I don't want anything." Kook said and went towards his room.

"There were so many chocolates you ate all of them.." Hobi asked.

"I was craving chocolates so I ate them." Daisy said.

And, there Kook locked the door. He didn't even done his painting.

"He said he was hungry before coming here and now didn't even ate anything.." Yoongi said.

"Why does he behaves like a 5 year old kid. He is married atleast he should behave accordingly." Daisy said.

"You shut up." Jimin said angrily.

After sitting in the room for 10 minutes Kook decided to start painting. He collect his new colours and went towards his painting room. Yes he also have a seperate painting room also..

But when he opened the door he got shocked by the view infront of him.

What must Kook have seen?
And guys guess the song?

Double update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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