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From the moment she drew her first breath, she had tarnished her family's reputation.

To shield herself from the judgemental glares of society, eleven-year-old Mia Silverkin retreated to her bedroom. Today marked a pivotal meeting in her grand estate, where the four preeminent houses of the radiant realm of Tenebrillum were set to converge.

She knew better than to involve herself, aware that her participation would be dismissed as inconsequential. After all, the Silverkin House was a lineage of Rayors—an exclusive few blessed with supernatural powers—until its legacy had been stained by Mia's mere Mortal existence.

Despite the condescension that accompanied her every step, she had long made peace with this daily intrusion into her life.

She lay ensconced in her four-poster bed, cocooned in pristine white blankets, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling. A slender beam of sunlight breached the curtain's defences, its golden touch casting a luminous glow upon her brown eyes.

To distract herself from the looming meeting, her delicate hand caressed the pages of a cherished tome resting on the bedside table—The Epic of the Tenebrillum Gods.

A subtle stirring beneath her blanket unveiled the emergence of a soft, chestnut-hued Pomeranian. The tiny creature gingerly poked his head out from beneath the covers, his pink tongue playfully protruding.

"Decided to join the waking world, Mercy?" she remarked with an affectionate smile. Mercy's gaze drifted towards the book cradled in her hands, his eyes alight with curiosity. She indulged in a gentle laugh. "Ah, I see; you're eager for the tale of our magnificent Gods."

Turning to the first page, Mia, and even Mercy, became captivated by the images depicting the two deities who breathed life into the very essence of Tenebrillum. Lumen, the God of Light, bore white tresses that radiated a soft glow, rivalling only the brilliance of his cerulean eyes. Caligo, the Goddess of Darkness, was graced with raven-black locks that framed eyes ablaze with the intensity of crimson embers.

Mia embarked on her storytelling. "You see, Mercy, Lumen and Caligo birthed the two inhabitants of Tenebrillum—us Lumerons, souls of light, and Caligans, souls of darkness. If the Gods still walked among us, we'd be as insignificant as grains of sand. Their powers remain unrivalled, unlike anything I could ever hope to compare with..."

A gentle knock disrupted her deep immersion in the enchanting narrative, pulling her attention towards the door. Entering with a graceful presence was her beloved mother, Meredith Silverkin. She settled at the edge of the bed, prompting Mia to sit up against a mound of plush pillows.

In the prime of her life, her mother exuded timeless beauty. Her allure was enhanced by a touch of crimson lipstick and a floor-length gown crafted from azure silk and chiffon. Her brunette locks flowed in satin-smooth waves, and her countenance bore no visible signs of the years that had come and gone.

Her affectionate gestures extended as she delicately tucked a stray strand of Mia's chestnut hair behind her ear and offered a tender pat to Mercy.

Mia had long been captivated by her mother—a source of admiration not solely for her undeniable beauty but for her wellspring of kindness. It was under her mother's guidance that she imbibed a profound lesson—that the absence of overt power did not equate to weakness. In a realm where light held dominion, to Mia, her mother was the embodiment of the brightest radiance.

"Will you be venturing beyond your bedroom, Mia?" Meredith asked.

"I..." She contemplated for a fleeting moment. "No, Mother, I would much prefer to stay in my room."

Her mother's smile broadened. "Yet, my dear, your most cherished companion will be gracing the occasion."

Mia sat up with alacrity, her heartbeat quickening. "Are you referring to Kai?"

"Indeed. Sir Claratale has conveyed his intent to bring his son into our midst."

She sprang from her bed, eager for her friend's imminent arrival. In tow, Mercy followed suit, his tail wagging with an infectious enthusiasm mirroring the anticipation radiating from Mia.

"Wait," Meredith exclaimed, her voice prompting a sudden cessation in Mia's steps. She turned, meeting her mother's gaze appraising her from head to toe. "My dear daughter, you don't intend to traverse beyond adorned in such attire, do you?"

Her gaze naturally descended, realising that she remained garbed in her silk nightgown. A gentle warmth suffused her cheeks, and laughter bubbled forth from her lips. Her mother, too, joined in the amusement, relishing Mia's charming idiosyncrasies.

Abruptly, the resonance of doors creaking open and the cadence of footsteps echoing in the corridor beckoned Meredith to rise from her seated position.

"It seems our esteemed guests have bestowed us with their presence," she remarked. She began to make her way towards the door but paused momentarily to address Mia. "Before you reunite with Kai, I implore you to change. We wouldn't wish to subject the young gentleman to any undue embarrassment by presenting yourself to him in such attire." A soft chuckle graced her lips.

Mia responded with a nod of understanding and a smile that mirrored her mother's amusement.

As Meredith gracefully departed, Mia was left to deliberate on her choice of attire before the impending reunion with Kai. A sense of anticipation thrummed through her as she made her way to her wardrobe, its interior a treasury of gowns and dresses that spoke of both elegance and style.

Her eyes soon found the epitome of her desired aesthetic—a sky-blue dress adorned with intricate lace patterns. She retrieved the garment from its resting place, and a smile slowly widened across her lips. This sartorial selection surpassed mere self-satisfaction; it embodied the essence of anticipation—a garment that would serve as the elegant vessel for her reunion with her first love.

Having adorned herself in her dress, she ventured into the hallway, her heart bouncing in search of the one who could effortlessly stir her emotions with the mere thought of him. In tow, Mercy trotted along, a loyal companion to her clandestine pursuit.

Turning a corner, she encountered a scene that prompted an immediate retreat. The heads of the four paramount families in Tenebrillum, along with their children, were converging by the entrance of the meeting room.

Mia discreetly peeked out from behind the wall, careful not to be detected. Her eyes scanned the gathering, hoping to catch a glimpse of the one person she longed to see. However, her sought-after presence was notably absent from the assembly.

As the gathering entered the meeting room, shutting the door behind them, her curiosity propelled her forward. In a bold move, she tiptoed towards the closed doors, her breath held.

A deep inhale preceded her decision to gingerly open the door ajar, ensuring her presence went unnoticed by those within. Behind her, Mercy remained silent and still, his dark beady eyes mirroring Mia's curiosity. She lingered at the threshold, her small frame almost imperceptible as she discreetly peered into the room.

Though the meeting room resided within her estate, its opulence struck her anew. A masterpiece of grandeur unfolded, adorned with a resplendent crystal chandelier that bathed the space in a celestial glow. A long table, elegantly draped in a pristine white cloth, stretched through the room—a canvas upon which the fate of Tenebrillum would be discussed.

As Mia's gaze traversed the faces of those present, it rested upon a young boy of similar age. His light hazel eyes harmonised with his chestnut short hair, but his casual attire—a white long-sleeved top and black trousers—hinted at a subtle rebellious spirit. She found herself captivated by him, a fascination even she could not decipher. That was until his gaze met hers, prompting her to avert her eyes from the meeting room.

Her heartbeat quickened, and she instinctively placed a palm against her chest to quell the rapid rhythm. After calming down, she dared to peek inside once more. To her fortune, the peculiar young boy was no longer looking in her direction.

As she scrutinised him more closely, a spark of recognition ignited within her. He was Xander Althean, the twelve-year-old heir of the Althean House—a lineage known for its mastery of shapeshifting.

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