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Amid the droning recitations of her history lesson, Yoora's gaze aimlessly drifted to her textbook sprawled on her desk, its densely packed text appearing as an inscrutable enigma.

Mrs Roth, with a piece of white chalk in hand, approached the blackboard and inscribed a series of challenging questions. She set her pupils on the daunting task of joining forces to decipher the arcane answers concealed within their sacred texts.

Clover turned to Yoora, her eyes gleaming with eager anticipation. "Shall we collaborate on this?"

A faint smile graced Yoora's lips. "Certainly."

Clover promptly aligned her desk with Yoora's, and they ventured forth to unravel the historical enigmas before them.

Amidst the ancient knowledge, Yoora's spirit waned with each page turned. Yet, fate, a cunning sorceress, had other plans. It guided her hand to a page that seemed to pulse with mysterious energy, unveiling an ominous depiction of a Caligan—blood-red eyes and jet-black hair staring back at her.

Clover could not help but shudder, casting a wary glance at the image of the Caligan. "How menacing they appear," she remarked, her voice quivering with palpable fear.

Yoora leaned her elbow on her desk, her chin cradled in her palm. Her gaze remained locked on the Caligan, and an unsettling disquiet washed over her. Every fibre of her body resonated with an intense aversion for the Caligans—the very beings that had nearly obliterated her entire life.

As Mrs Roth's inquiries delved into the origin of Caligans, Clover recited a passage from the textbook page. "When a Lumeron loses their way, succumbing to the encroaching darkness that infiltrates their very soul, a profound transformation ensues. They are reborn as a Caligan, marked by the once-vibrant lustre of their hair transitioning into a sombre obsidian hue, and their once-glistening eyes assuming a haunting shade of red."

"Unsettling, isn't it?" Yoora remarked. "To think they lurk in the shadows, ready to perpetrate whatever malevolent acts their dark desires dictate. One can't help but wish they had never existed."

Clover nodded in solemn agreement. "Tenebrillum endured its darkest hour when Erebos compelled hundreds of Mortals into the harrowing fate of becoming Caligans. We can only be grateful that he has vanished. The mere thought of him sends shivers down my spine."

"Do you believe he has been entirely eradicated from this world?"

"I'd prefer not to entertain any other possibility."

Yoora cast a discerning gaze around the classroom, noting the soft murmurs of her peers engaged in conversations about Erebos. "His disappearance remains a mystery to all," she added, her hands resting upon her desk, a subtle tremor betraying a sense of unease.

Clover placed a reassuring hand upon Yoora's, quelling the tremor. "Our sentiments align. Yet, having weathered sufficient ordeals, perhaps we should savour our moments by emphasising the positives."

Yoora nodded. "You're right." She turned to the next page with finality. "Let's cease dwelling on this topic. I have no desire to encounter further references to Caligans."

As the break commenced, Clover guided Yoora to the cafeteria—a lively hub within Tenebrillum Academy. The pleasant hum of chatter and the clinking of utensils greeted their ears.

This space, mirroring the institution's architectural splendour, boasted high ceilings and large arched windows that allowed natural light to filter in. The polished marble floors shone beneath the footfall of scholars, and the walls, painted in the academy's signature blue, contributed to the overall ambience. Long rows of tables, each adorned with neatly arranged chairs, stretched across the hall.

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