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Xander Althean occupied a seat along one of the table's lengths in the meeting room. Leaning back in his chair, a quiet yawn escaped his mouth. As the heir to his esteemed house, his attendance at this gathering had been mandated by his grandfather, Eugene Althean, who sat on his right.

The Althean House was gifted with the uncanny ability to transform their very essence. It was an art form that enabled them to become one with the world around them, changing shape and form at will.

Eugene Althean was the elder statesman of his noble lineage. With deepening wrinkles and once-brown hair now silvered, it was evident that his tenure as the family's patriarch would soon conclude. While dressed formally, his left hand clutched a cane, its top an orb with an engraved paw of a lion.

Xander, handpicked by his grandfather to succeed him, was expected to exceed Eugene in terms of their extraordinary power. Yet, despite this imminent responsibility, serious affairs, such as the current meeting he found himself stuck in, bored him to death.

As representatives of their house, he, along with his grandfather, adorned themselves in brown cloaks. These garments bore the emblem of a lion's paw woven in black threads—a vivid tribute to their heritage of strength and courage.

Xander's gaze shifted across the table to where the Minderay House was seated. A family of telepaths, they could delve deep into the landscapes of minds, sharing thoughts in a dance of consciousness.

Hudson Minderay, their formidable head, had always been someone Xander struggled to appreciate due to his brash attitude. Nevertheless, he could not deny that Hudson's appearance was striking. He epitomised the prime of his life, his vibrant green hair defying the conventions of ageing. Draped in a green formal suit, it seemed to underline his fondness for the colour. Yet, what truly set him apart was his heterochromia—his left eye the colour of fresh spring leaves and his right eye a dulled shade of grey.

By Hudson's left was his daughter, Peridot Minderay, four years Xander's senior and an heiress in her own right. She mirrored her father's striking features—emerald tresses and captivating eyes. The olive frock she wore was a clear reflection of her affection for the colour green, undoubtedly influenced by her father.

Despite both being heirs of their respective houses, Xander had barely exchanged words with Peridot, who was often the quiet presence during house meetings.

The Minderay members draped themselves in pine green cloaks, each adorned with the emblem of an eye sewn with mint threads—a representation of their vigilance and honesty.

Fixing his gaze on the far-right end of the table, Xander's eyes fell upon Killian Claratale. His hair resembled the warm, golden hue of a setting sun, a vivid contrast to his closed eyes, as if he were deeply engrossed in meditation. He had always been a man that was challenging to read. He wore his house's wine-coloured cloak with the stitching of an orange burning flame—a testament to their determination and energy.

The Claratale House boasted the unique ability of power mimicry, a talent that enabled them to mirror the abilities of those around them. While limited to imitating just one power at a time, they remained a reflection of the diverse talents of their peers.

Finally, Xander's wary gaze settled on the left end of the table, near the meeting room's door. There, commanding undeniable authority, sat the head of the most influential house in Tenebrillum—Ulysses Silverkin. His middle-aged countenance bore subtle marks of wisdom, with crow's feet framing his brown eyes. His regal stature was accentuated by the formal attire of a well-tailored dark blue suit. Defying this man would be tantamount to voluntarily surrendering one's power.

Beside Ulysses sat his eldest daughter, Melanie, five years Xander's senior, wearing a scarlet dress of the finest silk. With entrancing brown eyes and a cascade of rich brunette locks that framed her delicate features, she was poised to ascend as the future matriarch of their house.

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