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Laiba was still in shock. The fact that Zeeshan, her husband's cousin, harbored such inappropriate feelings for her left her feeling repulsed. She couldn't shake off the disgust. Did Aariz know? What would he do if he found out? And Handal, she couldn't even bear to think of her. The thought of violence, something alien to her, crept into her mind. She wanted to hurt her, to see her suffer for allowing such torment to befall her. Remembering her own past, the abuse she endured at the hands of her parents, it only added fuel to her rage. She felt betrayed and violated, and the desire for retribution burned within her.

Handal's mother continued calling her, but Laiba remained in her room, consumed by thoughts of what Handal had revealed about her past. The memories flooded her mind-every instance of mistreatment, every betrayal. What could she possibly do to seek justice for the wrongs inflicted upon her? Even if she confronted her father, what good would it do? Could he undo the two years of her life that were stolen? Could they mend her shattered dignity or erase the torment she endured? They subjected her to unbearable humiliation, stripping away her dignity and leaving her destitute. How could she ever forget or forgive such cruelty?

The situation reminded Laiba of Aariz and how even he suffered betrayal from his own kin. He endured the pain of betrayal twice over-from someone he loved and from his own blood.

She imagined herself facing her dad, being honest, asking why he always saw her in a bad light, why he seemed to dislike her, and why he thought she was a horrible woman. She wanted to know what she'd done to make him think she was so terrible.

Despite keeping her distance from men all her life, he accused her of craving their attention. Even though she never asked him for money, he labeled her as a gold digger. She wanted to know why?

She wondered why he brought her home and what he gained from stealing her joy. She questioned why he opposed her marriage to Aariz and accused her of chasing money. She had so many questions and wanted answers but she didn't know if she will be ab

Sitting on the floor, she wrapped her arms around herself, reminiscing about the night when Aariz stood up to his uncle. Could she ever muster the same courage? Would she have the strength to confront those who wronged her? Could she demand justice like he did? Would she find the strength to stand up for herself? To hold those accountable for the wrongs they've inflicted upon her?

She didn't know if she could.


The next morning, after breakfast, Zeeshan was summoned to meet with the elders. His father, mother, uncle, and aunt awaited him in the drawing room, which felt akin to a courtroom. The seat he occupied resembled a witness stand as they all scrutinized him with grim expressions.

Faheem Othman broke the silence, expressing how communication could have prevented much of the turmoil and sympathizing with Laiba's ordeal due to Zeeshan's foolishness and Handal's impersonation. His parents remained silent while his aunt intervened in his defense, halting Faheem Othman's remarks and suggesting they focus on future actions instead of dwelling on the past.

"Are you going to talk to Laiba's father?" Faheem Othman inquired.

Zeeshan shook his head. "I've asked Handal to."

"I don't think she will," his aunt remarked.

"She has to. I'll ensure it," Zeeshan firmly declared.

"Be cautious. She seems like trouble to me," Umme-Zeeshan cautioned, furrowing her brows. "I don't want her anywhere near you."

"I'll be careful," he assured her.

"We should visit Haider Ahmed," Yusuf Othman suggested, speaking for the first time.

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