The Beginning

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It had been dawn when a baby girl was born to a mother. A child of fair skin and white hair and so her mother named her Aurora, after the dawn for the light she brought into the world.
"I promise my Aurora I will love you forevermore." The mother spoke looking down at her daughter in her arms.
The baby cooed at her mother grabbing up at her.  The mother watching her with hope.

2 years later
The mother had been cleaning up the house and knocked a vase over by accident. Cutting her hand a crimson trail bleed down her hand. Running to grab a cloth to cover the wound Aurora began to cry. The mother ran to Auroras room to find her daughter fussing in her crib. Picking her daughter up a soft, small hand touched her mother's hand.
She felt no more pain.
The mother slowly put the baby down and removed the cloth.
The cut was gone. It had been healed.
The baby began to smile and laugh. The mother looked at the child in fear. Not because of her daughter's powers but the price those powers come with.

3 years later
It was to late they came for her. They had found them living in a small home above the coast. A mother and a small child. They were here for the child, the healer, the grisha. The mother stood no chance of fighting against the druskelle men. So when the first window shattered she ran to her daughter's room.
"Remember my love I will be with you forevermore."
Then she was dead. Killed by the druskelle as her child was torn from her arms. The child cried for her mother but her mother was gone.
And then so was she.

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