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It had been a few days since Aurora had been rescued and taken to the little palace. She made several new friends in the 2nd army, and those she hadn't still had nothing bad to say about the girl. She was kind, selfless, and shone brighter than anything they'd ever seen. Aurora and the general had grown quite close with each other.
"Aurora I thought you might want to know that Zoya is back from her assignment." Genya said walking through the doors to my room.
I shot up from my seat and ran outside where I saw the girl in the blue kefta I had grown to love.
I ran to her and she smiled opening her arms for a hug. I wrapped myself around her tightly.
"Hello moy malen'kiy tselitel', I missed you." She said holding me close.
I never know how it started but everyone in the little place had started to call me that. It meant little healer, but I had grown to love the name.
"I missed you too Zoya, how was Shu Han?"
"It was nice, but it's nice to be home with you, has Genya been taking care of you?" She asked letting go from the hug.
I nodded looking up at her, "Yes she also taught me how to braid hair."
She took my hand and we started walking back to the Little Palace. The palace seemed more full now that Zoya and her team were back. It was nice to have everyone back, but then I realized someone was missing.
"Zoya where is General Kirigan?"
"Aurora how many times has he told you to call him Aleksander?" She said putting a hand in her hip.
I sighed knowing she was right, "A lot, now can I know where he is?"
She smiled, since my time here I had grown more at ease and with that came some sass.
"He had to stay behind later so he'll be here later tonight."
I nodded slightly disappointed I wouldn't see him until tomorrow. I had always had to go to bed early, it was under the Generals orders that I go to bed early so I slept well. And Genya and Zoya may also have a part in it. Sometimes I did feel like a child but they were like the family I never had.
"Have you had lunch yet?" Zoya asks walking to the dining hall.
I sighed for a minute knowing what she would say at my answer.
"No I wanted to wait for you," I told her looking at the floor.
"Aurora you don't have to wait for me ever, if you hungry eat. But we'll talk about that later let's eat."

After lunch Zoya had to go train, I tried to make her let me train with her but in the words of everyone.
"I don't want you getting hurt, you have us to protect you."
So instead I went to go see Ivan and Fedyor in the library. Ivan had been a tad hard to crack when I first met him but his hard exterior melted eventually. I found them in the back at one of the tables. Both of them were engrossed in their book so I found myself with the rare opportunity to scare them. I slowly walked up behind them being as quiet as I could but before I could make a move, I feel arms wrap around me. I'm in the air before I can blink. I let out a yelp and see the face of my attacker.
"Were you trying to scare us little healer?" Fedyor asked me still holding me up.
"How did you know?" I asked trying to wiggle myself out of his grip.
He loosened his hold and I took this as my chance to escape.
"I think you forget we're heartrenders Aurora," Ivan said putting his book down.
I totally forgot they could hear heartbeats, maybe that's why nobody has ever successfully scared a heartrender.
We walked outside the library with our arms linked together, I think Zoya had finished her training and Genya her assignments.
I hear the sound of the doors to the little palace open and the hall goes silent. I tune to see my favorite shadow summoner. Ivan and Fedyor drag me over to him and them being stronger than I am I had no choice.
"General good to see you again," Ivan said going what I like to call soldier mode.
The general nodded his head at him, then he turned his gaze to me.
"I'm hurt little healer, Zoya gets a hug but not me."
I smile and escape the two heartrenders grip and hug the general.
"You're back early, Zoya said you would be back later tonight." I told him not letting go of him.
"Yes well I just couldn't wait or see you and be home again."
I finally let go of him and I saw a hint of disappointment cross his face.
"Anyways I promised Genya that I would be in the dressing room at 3 for a kefta fitting." I told them and turned away from them.
The three men watched the healer slip away but one in particular had an idea.
"Ivan will you have Genya make some altercations to Auroras kefta when it's done."

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