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Sequel to "Princeps" and "Potens." Harry has gained the loyalty of many of the young Slytherins, and others he never expected. Now he attempts to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes and protect and teach his students while avoiding Time's plans—and his followers'—to make him into a Lord.


This should have three parts, and is part of my "From Samhain to the Solstice" series of fics, as well as a sequel to the first two parts of the series. The title is a Latin word meaning "prophetic" or "magical."

Chapter 1

Harry Potter is getting tired of the chimes ringing from the walls.

No one else can hear them, so it's not as if he has to deal with puzzled looks. (Just worshipful ones). But he knows that his mission to come back in time and change it so that the young Slytherins can stand independently of Voldemort and prevent the second war—and the deaths in the second war—has altered.

The problem is that he doesn't know how far. And he neither wants to change his original intention to please Time or change what he is doing simply to spite this wearisome power of the universe.

But he does know that he's going to do his duty as a professor, a protector, and a defeater of Voldemort.

In the end, teaching, protection, and war is what he knows best.


"Sometimes I think you are biased against me, Henry, my boy."

Harry sighs and settles back into the chair near Albus's desk. He's had a few of these conversations over the past month, and they've only become more difficult since he's realized that Time wants him to replace Dumbledore.

Sirius and James have sworn their oaths to him. Harry can see signs that Remus and Peter are drifting in that direction—although Harry has to admit, if only to himself, that he's going to watch Peter damn carefully—and there are a few Ravenclaws who'll probably get there before too much longer. The Hufflepuffs are taking longer, cautious about professors outside their Head of House when they've been put down so often, but probably when one of them comes, a whole bunch will.

Harry is pretty sure, from the way that Lily Evans narrows her eyes at him whenever she sees him, that she'll demand an explanation from James soon, and then probably him, too.

There are Slytherins who are now fifth-years being led over by Regulus (pulled over, in some cases; Harry will have to speak to Regulus about that soon). Nearly every Slytherin student in sixth and seventh year is already sworn to him, and now some former Slytherins, like Andromeda Tonks and Lucius Malfoy. Lucius, in his last report, dropped hints that Harry is resigned to meaning that Narcissa Black will soon approach him.

This is not what he wanted. But it's what he has, and he means to hold his oaths.


Harry looks up. Albus appears genuinely concerned, and he might be. It's just that concern is never far away from Albus's notions of what he might have to do to win the war, and that's what makes Harry cautious of him.

"I'm all right, sir." Harry forces out a smile and sits up. "Just tired. It's more challenging to keep up with NEWT students I trained myself."

"Ah, yes. Your students are doing well in other classes, and applying the lessons that they have said you taught them to their classwork."

Harry doubts this is the true purpose of this meeting, but it seems closer to it. He puts on a curious face. "Sir?"

"Well, for example, it seems that Mr. Prince has been telling Professor Slughorn that some of the teaching methods he uses, such as asking students to compete against each other for a potion as a prize, don't work well. He shouldn't make the students compete against each other, Mr. Prince says. He should have them work together."

Princeps by LomonaaerenWhere stories live. Discover now