Chapter 6

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Yes, to everyone who guessed that this would have seven parts, you were right. Stupid talking and fighting characters.

Harry opens his bedroom door and stops at the sight of the person in the sitting room. The person stares back. Neither of them says a word. Harry has never seen this man face-to-face before, but he knows who he has to be.

Then Harry turns to the second person in his sitting room and asks, "What is your father doing here, Regulus?"

Regulus beams at him. "I know that you need someone who can help you go after the Dark Lord's artifact. My father is powerful, and our family owes you debts because you rescued me and helped protect me and Sirius. So he's going to help you go and retrieve that artifact, or destroy it. Whichever you need to do."

"One could argue that I also took your father's sons away from him," Harry says in a low voice, his eyes on Orion Black. He looks as if he needs a stiff drink and to leave, in roughly that order. "Your mother would certainly say that. What did you really do?"

"I told him that Sirius and I would both change our last names to Salvare if he didn't help you. Andromeda and Narcissa changed their names when they got married, and Bellatrix will do the same thing if she ever gets married. Or she'll die in prison in the war, probably. That means no one from the most recent generation with the name 'Black' will be left."

Harry turns to stare at him. "You said that? You're serious?"

"No, of course not," Regulus says, in such a puzzled, hurt tone that Harry is taken in for a minute. "I'm not my brother."

Harry closes his eyes and rubs his hand over his forehead. Regulus is being too fifteen for him right now.

Orion Black softly clears his throat. Harry opens his eyes and looks at the man, who's mostly silvery-haired rather than dark-haired and looks more like Sirius in the face. "I did in fact agree with him that we owe you debts. The Dark Lord would have killed Regulus, and Albus Dumbledore would have enslaved Sirius."

Harry refrains from saying that he doesn't think Dumbledore is going to brand Order of the Phoenix members any more than Harry is going to brand his oathsworn. Right now, the deception serves him. "And because of that, you're willing to risk your life?"

Orion shakes his head, his grey eyes dull and apprehensive. "Because the Dark Lord tried to kill my younger son. And because both of them have thrived being sworn to you. It showed in the letters they wrote to me, and it showed when Regulus Flooed me last night."

Harry sighs. "You should know that if I accept your help, there's a good chance that you could die from this. Voldemort values that artifact about almost anything else at this point, and he'll have powerful protections around it."

Orion gives him a shaky smile, although he flinches when Harry speaks Voldemort's name. "I am aware of some of those protections. He said that anyone who goes to the island will have to pass wards that require a Death Eater's presence."

Harry blinks at him. Keeping his movements large, smooth, and broad so that Harry won't react as if he's reaching for his wand, Orion tugs his left sleeve up, and reveals the Dark Mark.

Harry can't remember if Sirius and Regulus's father was Marked in the first timeline, but he supposes it doesn't matter. What does is that he can bypass those protections with Orion's presence.

He nods. "I accept your help. I'm also going to ask a few other people."

"The more help we can have, the better. From what the Dark Lord said, the traps are...extensive."

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