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"Chris? Why do you look like that?" Nick asks, worry flowing through his veins. Something was off about this.

"She's the creepy bitch that sent me those letters.." Chris blurs out. "She told me you called her." Chris raises his head to look Nick in the eyes. Nick doesn't blink once, nor does he break eye contact.

"Fuck." Nick mumbles.

"Yeah, that's hundred percent some crazy stalker." Matt says, not amused.

"She told us she'd, 'see us soon.' Chris exclaims, clearly disturbed.

"Chris calm down it's fine." Nick starts while pulling his brother in a quick hug. Chris feels Matt pat him on the back awkwardly.

"I'm not dealing with a stalker Nick, I swear to god." They pull away from the hug and Nick gives Chris a sympathetic look.

"Chris, listen to me baby. It's probably just some weird ass fan. First, the comments. Anyone can comment under video's. Then the letters, anyone can send fanmail to us, and anyone can come to this meet and greet." He says while stroking the younger's hair.

"It's probably fine Chris, and honestly what's the worst they can do?" Nick smiles reassuringly.

Chris looks over Nick's shoulder at Matt. He doesn't seem to agree AT ALL. He looks disturbed and nervously peels off the skin on his lips. He looks at Nick like he said something he shouldn't have said.

"Nick-" Matt starts, hesitant.

"NO Matt, everything is fine." He suddenly snaps.

"I want to go home." Chris says determined, with a tiny voice.

Matt nods and takes Chris' hand gently and firmly grabs Nick's arm. Dragging them with him to the car.

When they're arrived at the car they sit in their seats and stay quiet.

Matt takes a deep breath.

"Alright, so.." he starts. "I'm sorry for that," his voice is guilty and a spark of fear is hidden in his throat.

"Nick is probably right, but we should not just.. expect her not to be a stalker, okay?"


Nick then nods. "I agree."

They both look at Chris. "Okay." He responds.

"Let's just forget about it for now." Nick sighs.

They both nod.

"Wanna cuddle and watch a movie together when we get home?" Matt asks Chris, smiling warmly at him.

Chris breaks out in a smile and looks back at him. "Okay."

Chris focuses on the screen in front of him, at least he tries. His brothers did what they'd promised, he's sitting on the couch right now. Sandwiched between his two brothers under a blanket. But he can't seem to shake the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. Stalker? He thinks again, he can't seem to get rid of the idea that someone is watching him, waiting for the perfect time to attack.

He looks up at Matt. He looks back. "Hey." He whispers, smiling. "Hi." Chris responds while yawning.

"You can sleep, I'll protect you." He says in a sweet, tender voice.

Chris smiles, in these situations it's always nice to have someone as loyal as Matt. Someone who will protect you.

"Thank you, Matty." Chris says while throwing his head backwards so he can look at Matt.

"Always bubs." Matt responds and the proceeds to kiss his forehead.

He looks at Nick for a second only to realize he's already asleep.

He shrugs and lets his head rest on Matt's chest, cuddling more up to him. Darkness slowly greets him as he feels Matt strike his hair gently.

Matt keeps his eyes open though. he's paranoid as fuck. What if someone does break in? What if she tries to kidnap Chris?

He keeps his eyes open and alert, waiting on an intruder. He just looks in the distance and listens to anything that's happening outside.

He proceeds to stay awake until five in the morning until he finally falls asleep, getting welcomed by restless dreams.

~ swear on my life~  Sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now