Promise of Brighter Days

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Through the darkness, I see a glimmer of light,
A promise of brighter days, shining so bright.
Though the storms may rage and the skies may be gray,
I hold onto hope, for better times are on their way.

In the depths of despair, I find strength within,
Knowing that this too shall pass, like the setting sun.
With each passing moment, I grow stronger and wiser,
Ready to embrace the future, full of surprises.

I trust in the journey, in the ebb and flow of life,
For even in the darkest night, there's a flicker of light.
I'll keep moving forward, towards the dawn's first ray,
Believing that brighter days are on their way.

So I'll face each challenge with courage and grace,
Knowing that I have the power to embrace.
The joy that awaits, the love that will come,
Brighter days are ahead, shining like the sun.

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