ONE. fly me to the moon

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     MARCUS BARKER remembered when he first saw Charlie Carpenter enter the kindergarten classroom while she held her mother's hand and her sister, Billie, stood by her side, playing a game on her Nintendo DS

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MARCUS BARKER remembered when he first saw Charlie Carpenter enter the kindergarten classroom while she held her mother's hand and her sister, Billie, stood by her side, playing a game on her Nintendo DS.

Charlie wasn't nervous, she held a bright, toothless smile on her face as she squeezed her mother's hand in excitement over the idea of stepping foot into a classroom for the first time.

Her mother had raved about nap time and the snacks she would receive during the day. It was all glorious for the little girl and all Marcus could remember was the way she looked how she had a small lisp when she spoke and how long her hair was.

It was right then and there he knew he wanted to be friends with Charlie, but he feared his sister, Maxine would beat him to it.

He remembered that Charlie had been grouped to sit at Max's table instead of his and during their reading time, Charlie wouldn't sit with the other classmates as the teacher read The Little Engine That Could. He remembered the distinct look on Charlie's face when she read a book on her own during that time and Max had been stuck under her as she pointed at the pictures in the book.

He remembered how annoyed Charlie looked when Max asked her a question that was related to the book. Charlie wanted to talk about the book and not if she had seen the episode of Suite Life of Zack and Cody. I mean, she would've, but not when her mind wasn't on it and she was hyper-focused on what she'd been looking at and Max didn't seem to get that, not then and definitely not now.

But one day, Marcus worked up the snotty courage to approach Charlie during reading time when Max had been absent and sit in her seat.

Charlie didn't acknowledge him, but knew that he was Max's twin and only assumed that they were the same, but when he pointed to a picture in her book and asked, 'Why does that one have a circle around it' when she was read her book about the planets, she knew he was just a little different than his sister.

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