Chapter 30

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-- i told you that you will get sick but you didn't listen to me,,, now bear the consequences.....

-- i am * sneeze  * sorry baby *sneeze *,, please cuddle * sneeze * me...

* This was Tae's condition right now ,,, he is sneezing non-stop,,, jungkook made him lay on the bed and was lecturing him...

Taehyung doesn't get sick easily but once he does ,, then he becomes a whinning mess ,,, *

-- you are already cuddling me.. let me go and bring medicine for you hubby...

* Jungkook said caressing Tae's hair,,, Taehyung was on top of jungkook... *

-- nuuu.. cuddle me tightly...

-- you are making me a sandwich hubby...

* Taehyung was whinning and snuggling more into jungkook's chest... *

-- please let me bring medicine for you hubby...

-- nopeee... Take off your shirt sweetheart....

-- huh !!!!

* Taehyung started unbottoning jungkook's shirt using his teeth..... *

-- what are you doing hubby ???

-- not feeling well ,, need your boo boo...

-- boo boo !!!??

* Taehyung unbottoned two of jungkook's shirt and latched his mouth on jungkook's nipple... *

-- ahh~heyy..

* Taehyung started biting jungkook's chest.. *

-- tasty boo boo... Take off your shirt fully... * showing puppy eyes *

-- you need to eat dinner and take medicine Tae...

-- noo want boo boo only...

* You see this is the real Tae when he fell sick... Taehyung got up a little and started taking off jungkook's shirt properly but his hands were shaking... *

-- why is your hand shaking hubby ?? Are you okay ??

-- my head is spinning bub...

* Jungkook immediately kept his hands on Tae's forehead.. *

-- oh my god Tae ,, you are getting a fever...* Worried *

-- mmmm tasty...

* Taehyung was sucking kooboobies like a baby....*

-- ahhh~ you need medicine...

-- mmmm..

* Jungkook sighed and started caressing Tae's hair... He is worried sick now ,, but Tae isn't ready to leave him for a second.... *

-- is your head spinning very bad Tae ???! ahhh~don't bite...

* Taehyung ignored jungkook ,, his vision was getting blurry but still he was sucking jungkook's nipples hardly...

Jungkook started massaging Tae's forehead while moaning occasionally... *

-- no milky... * pout *

-- you want milk hubby ??!

-- yesshhh..

-- then leave me ,, i will go down and bring milk for you real quick...

-- nuuu ,, hubby wants baby's milky... * whinning *

-- but i don't have milky hubby..

-- waeeee ??!!

* Taehyung sulked.. jungkook again checked Tae's fever.. *

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