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Thalia's POV

A week after she was taken

I woke up in a cold dark room, looking around there was only a toilet and a cot. Scared and tired I started to yell for my brother's hoping this was all a nightmare and I would wake up in my comfy bed.

"Hello rigo, anyone!" I yelled

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" a man yelled at me.

I was so scared but reluctantly stayed quiet for what seemed like an eternity. Then suddenly a door opened and a tall scary man in a suit walked in coming closer to me.

"Hello Thalia" the mysterious man said

"Hi where am I" I replied quietly

"Well sweetheart I can't tell you that but I have great plans for you" he said in a sickly sweet tone crouching down in front of me.

"Why am I here, where is my family" I asked

"well don't worry about your family you'll forget them after a little while but your here because I am going to make you the greatest assassin ever known and you'll be feared by all" he said

"Who are you?" I asked tearing up

"I'm Elias, head of the Greek Mafia but you will call me Don and nothing else ok" he gripped my face harshly

"Yes Don" I replied

"Great get some rest you start training tomorrow and we will not be stopping until nightfall" he started to walk out before whispering something to the guard.

"Have sweet dreams sweetheart"he said as the guard walked in and started to drag me out of the room to where more guards were.

"Hey guys the boss said to have fun with her and rough her up a little do you guys want to join?" he asked in a venomous tone

"Hell yes!" One guy shouted as they all started to circle me and before I knew I felt a sharp pain on my ribs from someone kicking me. Then another guy started to punch me and they all kicked, punched, and slapped me for hours.

"Stop please" I cried


Then everything turned black as a large force hit me in the head.

As I fell unconscious I wondered what I did to deserve this.

ThaliaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora