chapter one

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Thalia POV:
Present day

All my life I was told that I was weak and a slave for something, someone bigger. Well now I hope the people that said that are rotting in hell because now I am that someone.

Today was like any other day for me on this hellhole of a planet, I woke to my phone ringing and answered.

"Hello" I said tiredly

"La muerte I have a mission for you the pay is $10,000 I will send you more details but do you accept?"

"yes I accept"

I hung up the phone, waiting for the details from the unknown caller. Well guess today's gonna be a busy day. I got up and started getting ready for the errands I'll have to run now since my night is going to be occupied.

Thalia's outfit

After I got dressed and ate breakfast I got the information for the target

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After I got dressed and ate breakfast I got the information for the target

Ignacio Hernandez
Leader of the shadow gang
Eliminate the target and anyone in the way, after target is eliminated burn the place.

This should be a pretty easy and quick mission, I mean after all this fucking little gang has been terrorizing a bunch of innocents for no reason so now it's  time to get sweet revenge.

Sometimes I wondered what went through the minds of cowards that had the heart to prey on innocent people for fun like is your life that boring or do you not get that much action in bed you have to go around being a bitch to the world.

As I exited my apartment I started my journey to the store for my weekly grocery shopping. Looking around this is some of the most peaceful times in my whole life just having to worry about killing some bastards and buying groceries, I wouldn't want anything to change. After the amount of pain I have experienced I think it should be enough for a lifetime. Knocking me out of my thought I accidentally bumped into someone. He was tall, intimidating and wearing a pretty expensive looking suit.

"Sorry sir" I said politely while walking past him.

"hey what's your name?" he asked

"Why does it matter big guy?" I answered and kept walking before he grabbed my arm a little too tight for my liking

"Hey get your fucking hand off of me before I do something I regret"

"what's your name?" He repeated sternly

I had a fucking enough of this. I  elbowed him harshly square in the jaw which caught him by surprise of the amount of force used by such a small looking girl and stayed on my way to the store.

"You should learn to keep you hands to yourself like come on man just because you look all billy badass doesn't mean you fucking touch someone without there permission"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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