Chapter 20: Legal Marriage With Tsukasa, The Sixth Magic: Magical Magicae

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"You're officially married. Congratulations!"

After congratulating Sairyoku and Tsukasa on their marriage, the old receptionist took out a houseplant and gave it to them, "Here's a little present as you begin your new life together."

Sairyoku received the houseplant from the old receptionist, "Thank you!"

Afterward, Sairyoku and Tsukasa left the ward office.


When they arrived outside the ward office, Sairyoku held the houseplant and commented, "Legal marriage in Japan is very convenient. Not only I can get a houseplant, but the wedding ceremony is not required. Just submitting the legal documents is all that it takes to get legally married."

"It still feels surreal to me. After two years, I finally married you."

When she heard Sairyoku admitting that their marriage felt surreal, Tsukasa extended her right hand to him, "Come on, hold my hand. And tell me if this is a dream or not."

Sairyoku complied happily as he held Tsukasa's right hand.

Feeling Tsukasa's smooth and soft hand passing her body's warmth to his left hand, Sairyoku nodded, "Yep, it's not a dream."

After the two of them held each other's hand, Sairyoku and Tsukasa strolled in the streets under the night sky as the bright moonlight shone upon them.

When they walked in the streets for a while, Tsukasa remembered something, "Oh, right. I have an errand to run. You go on ahead."

When Tsukasa was about to break free from their hand-holding, Sairyoku didn't let go as he immediately suggested, "Can't I go with you? Just tell me where the place you want to go. I have teleportation so I can teleport the two of us there."

Sairyoku wasn't lying since he had obtained the teleportation ability in his 17th-month sign-in.

Even if Sairyoku didn't have the coordinates, he could teleport to anywhere he wanted as long as he could afford the energy cost. Like the rest of his abilities, he could freely choose which energy to spend, whether it was physical energy, mental energy, or mana.

Seeing that Tsukasa was hesitating, probably due to not wanting to inconvenience him, Sairyoku reassured her, "No one can discover my abilities nor our immortality. I have more than enough power to use The Sixth Magic: Magical Magicae on worldwide usage."

"With The Sixth Magic: Magical Magicae, I can use any magic that I can think of as long as I have enough mana or energy. It's a powerful magic that can create or realize other magics. It works by using my mana or any energy to pay for the cause so that the effect can be achieved."

"It's the true magic said to be the one that brings happiness to everyone. And that's true since I can create a utopia with the sixth magic if I want to."

"In other words, I can create a magic spell that allows me to remove the memories of those who discovered our secret. So you don't have to worry about it, Tsukasa-chan."

After reassuring Tsukasa, Sairyoku patted his chest in confidence as he bragged, "I, your husband, am a very reliable and powerful man!"

Hearing Sairyoku's reassurance as well as confidence, Tsukasa chuckled and smiled, "Husband is so reliable~"

After she was assured by Sairyoku, Tsukasa then remembered something, "Wait, husband. You said you invented a memory loss flashlight. Why did you invent one when you can just use your magic instead?"

"From what you said before, using magic should be more convenient since you have infinite mana."

Expecting this question from Tsukasa, Sairyoku looked at Tsukasa in the eyes as he answered, "I invented them so that I can give them to you."

"You don't have magic, so you can use the gadgets I invented instead. You can use the memory loss flashlight if ever you encounter someone who discovered your immortality. Of course, you can also choose to inform me about it so I can take action."

"Just know that you aren't alone anymore. If you ever faced any problem, I will solve it with you since I'm your husband and you are my lovely and cute wife."

Hearing Sairyoku's confession, Tsukasa blushed in shyness. Nevertheless, Tsukasa didn't break free from their hand-holding as she continued holding Sairyoku's hand.

Sairyoku could even notice that Tsukasa's grip on his hand was tightening, probably due to Tsukasa being shy and she held his hand tightly in order to cope with her shyness.

However, Tsukasa's shyness didn't last that long since she soon regained her composure.

If not for Sairyoku's constant teasing as well as confessions, Tsukasa's defenses wouldn't be that easy to break. Nevertheless, Tsukasa didn't dislike Sairyoku's advances. Tsukasa was just caught off-guard since she wasn't used to it.

No one had ever broken her defenses this easily and Sairyoku was the only one who achieved it.

'Sairyoku is indeed my destined one. I'm glad I accepted his confession two years ago.'

Having that thought in her mind, Tsukasa smiled at Sairyoku, "Thank you for being with me, husband. I love you!"

Catching Sairyoku off-guard, Tsukasa pulled his hand which caused Sairyoku to fall towards her face.

When Sairyoku realized what happened, Tsukasa had already stopped him from falling by catching him with her lips!

Under the moonlight, Tsukasa took the initiative to kiss Sairyoku!

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