Chapter 29: Rescue Task Has Been Completed!

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Hearing Otosaka Yuu's reply, Sairyoku joked, "So what? After you possess her, you touch her body?"

"And besides, how many seconds you can possess her body? Even after you possess her body, you can't force her to commit suicide since even she can't kill herself."

When Sairyoku accused him of being a pervert, Otosaka Yuu retorted as he defended himself, "Of course not! I can possess her body for at most five seconds and within that time, I planned to let you guys beat me up in her body or at least tie her up."

Sairyoku shook his head, "That's too inconvenient. My plan was to let you guys have experience in our first rescue task. But if you want me to, I can end our task here and now by killing her immediately."

Soon enough, Elsa stood up from the wooden floor as she complained, "I've been underestimated—"

Before Elsa could continue yapping, Sairyoku waved his hand and steel swords appeared near the loot house's ceiling.

With a downward hand motion, Sairyoku controlled all of the steel swords to impale Elsa like a pin cushion as he sneered, "Shut up, bitch! The bros here are talking!"

Even if Elsa wanted to talk, she couldn't. After all, Sairyoku ruthlessly shoved a steel sword into her mouth as it impaled through her esophagus.

Witnessing Sairyoku's ruthless move, the only one who was affected by it was Suzuki Iruma.

After all, despite Lin Dong being the same age as Iruma, Lin Dong had experienced the beatings of society since his father was crippled when he was young. The same was indeed the case for Iruma, but Iruma didn't witness murder and gore.

Otosaka Yuu slightly felt disgusted by the gore since he was just a japanese high school student. However, he knew how psychopathic Elsa was so he didn't blame Sairyoku for it.

The same goes for Emilia and Felt since the former was her enemy and even attempted to kill her, while the latter hated Elsa for almost killing her grandfather figure Rom.

As for Subaru...

"Bro, kill her if you can! As long as we eliminate her, no one will die and she can get her insignia back."

Subaru didn't know Emilia's name yet so he didn't know what to call her. He didn't dare to call her Satella since in the previous timelines, that proved to be a fatal mistake for him.

Receiving Subaru's suggestion, Sairyoku asked the rest of them, "Do the rest of you agree with Subaru? After all, if we kill her now, we may have to return to our world."

In response to Sairyoku's question, Otosaka Yuu nodded, "It's Subaru's world so I don't mind. And besides, our purpose here is to save him, not have a vacation here."

Zhuo Tiancheng nodded in agreement, "I also have to become an evolver, or else I can't provide any combat power for our group. We can meet up again with each other when an official chat group task is announced."

Lin Dong and Iruma also agreed with it.

Since his bros agreed with Subaru's suggestion, Sairyoku didn't hesitate to kill Elsa.

Although Elsa was almost immortal due to her regeneration, Sairyoku had many ways to kill Elsa.

But as for the most convenient method, Sairyoku activated his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception as a purple light glinted in his eyes.

Forwarding his hand, Sairyoku created a mana construct knife.

Sairyoku gazed at Elsa with eyes that could bring the end of everything he deemed to exist. In Elsa's body, there were countless lines of death visible as if she were a poorly pieced jigsaw puzzle.

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