Beautiful Asymmetry

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The wolf of the fallen
Is unlike the common forest dogs
Its tail is the length of two logs
And its legs as powerful as a stallion
It's skin is callous
But it's snarl has just as much malice
Its fur is made of crows and ravens alike
And it seeks for lost souls to strike
Its hunger for the inert is never satiated
It always haunts and roams
And terrorises woodland homes
Its eyes are as red as the blood moon
With a pelt colour far from saturated
When souls become stolen, it howls a tune



A young woman, whose name is known as Belmira amongst the people she spoke to, was sitting in her small home at the near outskirts of Lakonia, and sewing together a large cloak made of a variety of owl and eagle feathers and animal fur. The design was asymmetrical, but still kept a balance that made it easy on the eyes and made the asymmetry of the cloak look almost beautiful.
The locals said that she bred ashen eagles the size of toddlers, with a wingspan of a tall man.
She didn't speak the greek language well enough, but she knew how to hold a small conversation. Many described her way of talking as "a distinct prolonged rolling of the r". She would pronounce some words more sharply than others normally would.

On a bright summer day, as Belmira was sewing a barn owl mask onto the cloak as a final touch, a farmer's son, who was a young man with olive skin, long chestnut hair that was neatly tied in a braid, approached her with a sheepish smile.

-"Balmi! That's a neat cloak! Who are you making it for?" He asks, sitting beside her and silently admiring her beauty.
She had richly brown skin, like soil that has been freshly watered. Each of the strands from her midnight black hair were meticulously woven into many slender braids held together by small colourful beads that clink softly with every movement. Her eyes looked like two beautiful gems of onyx that shone softly in the sunlight.
Although he never expressed romantic feelings towards her, he did feel a close bond with her. He almost considered her his kin, and even treated her like so.

-"ah, Ajax. I'm making a cloak, as an offering." She responded, her plump lips forming a friendly smile. 

-"an offering to whom? Athene? Perhaps, Artemis" He asked and crossed his legs, as he observed her precise suturing of the fur and feather cloak. He was always enamoured by both her beauty and her wits.

-"if I told you, you would call me crazy." She simply responded, smiling and tightening up the knot that held the stitches together.
Ajax let out a hearty chuckle, waved her farewell and walked back to the farming land he and his father worked on, which was not far from here, usually a fifteen minute horse ride from Belmira's home.
The two have developed a close relationship with each other over the years that Belmira had lived in Lakonia that could only be described by many as the relationship between a brother and his sister.

Belmira slowly got up, holding the makeshift cloak tightly in her hands and walked towards the forest of Lakonia. She draped the cloak down on the soft, bright green grass and ran to hide in the nearest cave where she could just get the view of the entrance of the forest.
She waited for hours and hours on end, but nothing came out. However, it was only when night fell that she would witness something truly remarkable.
Her eyes widened, as what she saw would have her in a chokehold that she didn't know she would be in.

A beautiful young woman, with soft rose beige skin, eyes clouded with a smokey blue colour, and long brunette hair that was lusciously thick and wavy, and wearing a muted green dress that was clearly too small for her, slowly walked from the depths of the forest. The ethereal woman was accompanied by a she-wolf that was the size of at least a large house, its fur was made of thick feathers from ravens and crows. Its body looked starved, its mouth filled with razor sharp canines would drool in constant hunger, and it snarled defensively at anything that would approach the young woman by its side. Everything it touched, or anything in its vicinity, would slowly decay.

The wolf picked up the makeshift cloak, held it in its jaws and signaled the beautiful woman as it slowly walked back deep into the forest, the ethereal, nymph-like beauty following shortly behind.
Belmira was now placed in a chokehold, feeling an intense tightness in her heart, as her mind screamed at her to pursue the woman. But she knew better than to chase people who were accompanied by giant mythical animals.

And such, once the duo was out of sight, she immediately jumped out of her hiding spot and ran until she reached her home, and closed the door. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, her cheeks flushed into a deep red, and her breath almost got caught on her throat every time she would try to inhale.
By the gods, this woman was stunning! Beautiful! She could pass for a nymph, or better yet, a goddess! Belmira thought to herself, still starstruck by what had happened. She couldn't wait to tell Ajax. And better yet, maybe handcraft another gift for her, if she would even return.
Belmira started having headaches, which snapped her out of her trance. She shuffled her way through here small house and the door to her room made a creaking sound as she opened it. Once she closed it, she collapsed on the small cotton mattress and wool blanket, rubbing her hands on her forehead.

Today was a very eventful day, so there was no doubt that it had taken its toll on Belmira. She closed her eyes, but it took her longer for hypnos to finally weave his tapestry of dreams on her than she would like to admit.

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