first touch

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Tell me how you care
Tell me how you smile
Tell me why you're so rare
Tell me when it's been a while
Tell me how you look
Tell me why you're like a book
Always being read
But never knowing how you tread
Always being sung in a poem
But never knowing your true home
They sing songs about your beauty
But never knowing your true unity
I wish to call you my love
But my voice is quiet like clouds above
I wish to see you and not your gifts
But my vision is like the sightless amidst


Among many things Belmira craved, was the sweet affectionate touch of the nymph called Tyfos. Her creamy-like skin looked as smooth as still water.
She then gave the horse a bucket of water and hay, giving it enough energy to travel.

So, she set off to find this beautiful nymph and packed whatever she could. Bow and arrow, hunting armor, a big ball of string, and a small bag of food.
Before her departure, however, she remembers the forest nymph's name... Tyfos. It feels vaguely familiar. And she remembers Ajax mentioning her as a childhood friend at one point. So, she decided to walk to his farm and try and gather some information, see if he had ever known or heard about her.

She traveled the thirty minute walk to his farm, passing through the packs of local stray dogs and sneaking past the prairie wildlife.
Once she arrives, her forehead and back of her neck dripping sweat, she knocks on the door and lets out a few exhausted sighs and gasps. Finally, after several knocks, Ajax opens the door and pulls her in with his thick arms, that have gained muscle over his years of farming experience. And his father, who had grown too old to take care of the crops, also walks out of the house with a cane to keep his hunched back upright.

-"Belmira, my dear... How was your trip? I hope the wild dogs haven't hunted you." The old farmer said with his raspy voice, a faint smile painting his wise face, accentuating his wrinkles that are a testament to his many years of hardship and his long peaceful life. His long messy hair was as white as the clouds, and his eyes dark like fresh chestnuts falling in the autumn season.
Belmira let out another sigh, pulling away slowly from Ajax and looked at the wise old farmer.

-"I managed to bribe them with sticks as usual. But... We need to talk... About the forest nymph." She said through her heavy breathing, and looked back at Ajax. He looked back at her, and silently nodded before letting her inside.
Belmira, Ajax and his wise father sat down in the living quarters.

-"Belmi, if you're planning on venturing into the maze forest, please tell me you brought the string with you. Remember? Just like what Theuseus used to not get lost in the maze of the minotaur." He said and cupped Belmira's slender dark hands in his callous olive ones, looking at the palms of her hands, which were a lighter shade of brown than the rest of her skin.

-"don't worry Ajax, I will take my precautions." Belmira said with a gentle smile, leaning in to rest her forehead on his. That gesture, which many would have considered to be intimate, was a way of Ajax and Belmira to express their platonic affection to each other.

-"then take care, my foreign sister." He said as the two pulled back and the two glanced at Ajax's elderly father, who nodded towards Belmira as a last goodbye to her.

-"Travel safely, daughter from another land." He says, his raspy voice sounds like it has been carrying a powerful wisdom for a hundred years.

Belmira smiled softly, nodded towards the wise farmer and Ajax, before she set off to go back to her house.
After she had already finished the thirty minute walk back, Apollo had already set the sun over the horizon, casting the sky in beautiful hues of sunset Orange, deep ruby red, rose pink and golden yellow. It was ethereal, and painted the plains with other godlike colours, that could only be found on Olympus itself.

She reached into a leather sack and picked up the ball of string, slung the said sack over her shoulder and hopped on her horse, which was energised and ready to go.

She patted the horse's thighs with her heels, urging it to take off. And so it did.
The horse galloped through the plains painted with the vast darkening colours from the sunset, before the sun had fully plunged into the horizon, leaving the dark, almost abyssal sky beautifully showered with the shining stars and constellations.
Once she arrived at the entrance of the forest, she slid off her horse and slowly crept up to a nearby tree, where she tied the string to a branch and unrolled it as she made her way into the forest.

The journey was long but the string was just enough for her to get near her destination. She tied the very last bit of string to a nearby branch, and kept walking deeper, keeping an eye out for key landmarks she could use for when she would need to find her way back.
It only took five minutes for Belmira to stumble upon the forest beauty.

Tyfos was wearing the dress Belmira made her, as well as the cloak with the hood pulled down and the crown of antlers. The surrounding area was dark, only the fireflies in the area and the moonlight above.
Belmira was starstruck by the beauty of the forest nymph. She slowly approached her, but Tyfos heard the footsteps of the dark skinned woman and she turned in the direction of the sound.

The two women's eyes locked, but Tyfos couldn't see a thing, with the blurred shapes of her surroundings although she was surprised that a human has managed to infiltrate the forest alive. Meanwhile, Belmira admired the woodland beauty, and slowly approached the short brunette nymph.

-"don't worry, I'm not here to harm you... I'm an ally..." She reassured the blinded mute.
She crouched just in front of the nymph, and reached out her hand to touch Tyfos'. To her surprise, her skin was soft and she could feel the hairs on her arm. It was an attractive feature for her.
Tyfos' cheeks flushed a rosy pink, and she reached out to touch Belmira's thin braids.

The two young women slowly take their time, exploring each other's bodies and feeling the unique texture of each other's skin.

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