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Once there was a girl with lot of dream in her eyes she was very sweet,kind,loving and beautiful. But she never expected what was gonna happen with her in future she is only child of her parents so she is a princess with lot of responsibility. She is in teenage years so like every teen she enjoys her life, make lot of friends,love to crack jokes but one day she saw him yeah I am talking about her crush his name is jade school's popular boy(Total Playboy) he is extremely rude , overconfident and most importantly jerk I don't know what about him that make girl's so crazy and yeah our baby doll is not left too but whenever she see him her heart goes out of speed whenever he enters the class (always late) and sit in front of her she just forget to blink, his smell make her forget everything is like it's only him who is left in the world. *Weird feeling * she never feels something like that before. She liked him a lot but knew that he is not good for her but still she can't helped it. So one she decides to confess her feelings to him and she get the opportunity to do that she gets an invitation of birthday party of Diana and she knew jade will come because he is Diana's brother, she got invitation because of lily who is Diana's friend and lily is her friend so diana is her common friend. So she gets ready for the party she wore a royal blue gown with blue necklace she was looking like a godess and her long curls make her the prettiest. (At the party) every eyes is at on her even she looks so beautiful even diana who never talked to her much behaving like she is her best friend (who doesn't want limelight ) but her eyes is searching for jade, she even ask diana "where is your brother" but diana reply " It is good that he is not here because he is a moodspoiler" this sentence make Ava sad because she is here only because for Jade so she decided to find him on herself she looked for him everywhere but it's seems like he didn't come so finally she called him, Yes she has his number which she discovered from her what's app group but never dare to call him it's first time she did it And suddenly she hear the ringtone from the backyard so out of curiosity she went there and she saw a heartbreaking scene she saw jade kissing a girl (there is nothing new about it) But this time it's break her heart and while this going she forget to cut the phone and jade's phone is ringing and when jade look back he saw her holding phone (Maybe he knew it was her who is calling) he picked up the call but ava didn't reply, he asked "Do you like me" ava is shocked not by the question but how could he asked someone that like after just kissing a girl. Many emotion is going inside her, she is filled with sadness, she feel angry, disgusting, stupid, dump at the same time but she replied "NO" and disconnected the phone and she ran from there she was not looking back. She so hurt even didn't know to whome she can share this because she never told anyone that she liked jade because she know everyone will advice her to stay away from he is a Heartbreaker but realize that everyone is right about him. She stop going to that school she changed her school because she never want to see him again its been two years she almost forgot about jade. This incident made her stronger now she can face anything in her life except of one thing that is seeing jade again. Part 2 is coming soonĺ

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