Face the Past Again

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(At ava's apartment)

Ava said " Did you again eat my snacks?"
Derek replied "That's your snacks, but I didn't see your name on that"
Ava said "You moron that's my snacks"
(Ava hit Derek with pillow)
Derek said "Ouch, how can you hit a handsome boy like me"
Ava said "Next time if you eat my snacks again I will kill you handsome boy"
(At college)
Derek said "Test are coming i didn't study anything for that"
Ava replied "Liar, you always said that and on result you topped"
Derek said "Yeah because I have those competitors who are dump than
Randy said "Can you guys just stop"
Ava asked " By the way I am feeling like study today let's go somewhere after class
Emily said " That's a great idea I also want a break but where we can go
Jack said " Let's go to the concert tonight
Derek said "Cool, we are in"
Randy said "we?"
Derek replied "Yeah we me and ava"
Ava replied "Ms Emma entered, Be quite"
(After class Derek and Ava on the way home)
Ava said "I have not any party clothes it's seem like I have to go for shopping "
Derek said "Haha what a jokes you girls have thousands of clothes but still saying you have no clothes"
Ava said "OK if don't wanna come for shopping i will go by myself"
Derek said "When I said I don't want to come, Wait i am coming"

(Derek outside Ava's door)
Derek asked "Do you remember the concert is today?"
Ava replied "Just 5 minutes more please"
Derek said" 3 hrs ago you said the same thing"
(Door open)
Ava said "Ava said i am ready Let's Go"
(Derek gets freeze)
Ava said " Hey why you got freeze, aren't we are going late now?"
Derek said "Are sure you are wearing that tonight"
Ava asked "Why isn't it look good"
(Ava is wearing a stunning black short dress and her long semi curly make her look gorgeous)
Derek said hesitantly "No u look good let's go"
(Derek left quickly)
Ava said "What happened to him why he behaving strange"

(At Concert)
Jack said "Wow ava you are looking stunning"
Derek glare at him "Yeah and you are looking like a pig"
Ava said "Derek will you stop please, No jack you are looking good"
Derek mumbled" Huh he is looking good but what about me?"
Randy said "What are you mumbling Derek "
Emily said" hey guys let's go on the front side"
Ava said loudly "Yeah we are coming"
(Suddenly someone stop ava by calling her name and ava look behind left shock)
Diana said "Hey you are ava right"
Ava said "Yeah"
Diana said" Ava I am very upset with you, At my birthday you suddenly left and never shown up again you didn't answer my messages too"
Ava said "Yeah actually there was an emergency that's why suddenly I have to leave without contacting anyone "
Derek " Ava where are you come"
Ava said" I have to go my friends are waiting for me"
(Ava left quickly)
Jade asked"Hey where are you looking"
Diana said "Didn't you see her"
Jade said "Who?"
Diana replied "Ava"

Meanwhile on other side
Ava asked "Derek can you drop me home"
Derek concernly ask "Why, what happened, Are you alright"
Ava said" I will tell you later, can you drop me or not"
Derek said "Alright let's go"

Jade shockingly asked" You see whom?"
Diana replied "I saw Ava she is here just go and talk to her otherwise you will loose her again"
(Jade hurriedly run he searched everywhere but there is no trace of ava)
Jade said "I think she already left, But I finally get to know that she live in this city"
Diana said "I hope that everything will sorted between you guys"

(At Ava's apartment)
Derek asked "Now please tell me what happened are you alright"
Ava didn't reply
Derek asked "Ava what happen please tell me i know you saw something terrible at concert"
Ava said " I saw my past to which I never want to face"
(Ava started Crying)
Ava said "I never want to meet my past again"
(Derek wipe off Ava's tears and said)
Derek said "Past is something you can never change and you can never run from your fate,Ava I don't know and don't want to know about your past but I am 100 percent sure that whatever had happened there is nothing your fault so stop crying you are not weak ok"
Ava said " Yeah there is nothing my fault why I am crying , I will not cry"

Derek said "Ava can I tell you
something "
Ava replied "Yeah what is it?"
Derek said "Because of tears your makeup spread all over your face you like actually like a ghost"
Ava hit Derek with pillow and said
"And now this ghost is not going to spare you moron"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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