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Finally ava's school life is over now she was ahead to join college and because of her hardwork she got admission in her dream college but their is gap of two weeks before joining so she thought to do some shopping. Ava called lily to help her in shopping to this lily said "I would love to come but..." ava replied "But you have already plan with your boyfriend" lily replied shockingly "how did you know, do you learn magic or stuff like that" Ava replied " There is no need of magic every girl in relationship always ignore their friends" lily replied " no it's not like that it's just..." Ava replied "I don't need your excuses enjoy your love life girl" lily said "You never know when this love knock at your door too" Ava said " Bye my drama queen" Ava cut the call and thought( I hope love never knock my door ). Ava gets ready and went out for for shopping she buy bunch of new clothes and shoes as it's her first time in college she wants to look the best after shopping when she returning home suddenly someone just run to her and clashes with her Ava with this gone so mad at that mysterious guy because all her new clothes can get dirty if they are not pack she just said loudly( Are you blind don't you see a 5.6 inch girl and just bump into her). Ava look at that guy but he was already gone Ava mumbled what kind of as**ole he is. She stand up and just about to leave when suddenly a sunglass hit her she is shock and look back found a tall masculine guy (those blue eyes can really hypnotize anyone except Ava) she glared at him with rage and that guy said "Oops glasses of blind  just hit towards you" he smirk and run away. On other hand ava was fuming with rage and said " You jerk meet me again I'm gonna kill you" she reached at her apartment she was very angry and tired at the same time, she was just about to sleep suddenly she heard a loud rocking music it was from her front door neighbor she was already angry because of that mysterious guy now this noises no way she can tolerate this she knock her neighbor's  door and thought  (this apartment is empty from a long time I think this time I am not getting good neighbors) after few second the door open and what ava saw the same guy who bump into her a while ago she said " You?" that guy said" I can't believe that you are so eager to return me my glasses" ava-"wait what did you just say first you bump into me because of that my new clothes can get ruined second you just threw yours glasses on my head and third you make that much noise at midnight and after all that you asked me thar shity question are you out of your mind' he said" I think you forgot to breathe but anyway I want my glasses by tomorrow " after saying that he shut the door.Ava said  "You moron"

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