Chapter 12 Treatment part 4

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" So right as Maddie was finishing up, packing up her stuff in her overnight bag. Along with everything else she going to take she put her school bag with her missed homework assignment, near the coach she checked to see if her dinner is with her along with breakfast. For next days that is potassium and low sodium. So her mom helped her out, with kidney failure recipes. And Is a bit nervous because she never been there before and along it will be her first time there and is afraid because, the girl has never been. In a clinic situation before what will it be like would it be same dialysis treatment she received the first time, along experience side effects. After treatment even though it's down slower over night will the skilled nurse team and doctors. Be kind positive compassionate along being professional, and communicative. While explaining everything to her in every single detail lastly will she make friends, her age that relate to her. Along having renal disease by start connecting in forming, a friendship and become close. Whatever happens to them if end going thee separate ways along, getting news you matched with. donor and are able receive a kidney transplant. So as she that in silence for a few minutes while still processing everything

" After a time went by, her father saw his daughter. Sitting quietly on the couch and noticed the mix emations coming from his baby girl and understandings that, she is going through a difficult time. Right now  and is sick and if without her being ,on dialysis his daughter will end up dying. Which a part of heart makes him want to cry but he can't, he doesn't want to be sad in front of her. Because he knows it will make her get more emotional so all he can do is stay strong and knows Maddie, will end up fighting through this. So as he was sitting down next her the man began to speak up.

" Hey Maddie, I know, you are still digesting  what. Is going on right now and is still a process that you are feeling not, sure what is happening at the moment. But you a strong girl and will get through this as man was gently talking to his daughter while having a conversation with her I know you probably are, nervous but everyone is supporting you. So as they had a private conversation and while, she explained everything Before you. They first began to talk he understood  the man slowly pick up the teenage girl he wrapped a blanket around, just to keep her warm there. Mother grab her things and began bring them to the car the kids wanted to. Come but both parents said no where, they have to do this alone there where all. Disappointed at first but the grown ups says it was for the best so as Mr. Ronney took Maddie to the car they proceeded to walk. The front of the house as the man carefully walked down the steps, of the front of the house. They walked.To the car they quickly got in since they have no time to waste because it's now six fifteen . And Maddie needs. To be there soon or she will end up missing, her chance so five minutes went by. They start the car and pulled out of the driveway because from looks from the directions they only thirteen minutes away from the dialysis center. So as they began pull out end drive away and drove away

" So as thirteen minutes, went by and as they drove across. Town they where all talking and noticed a small plaza while pulling by and saw a building the sign said, DaVita kidney care

" Dad I think this is it  the young girl said as, they pulled into the parking lot. Of the small plaza

  " Yeah I believe you, are right because the gps said you. Have reached your destination like two seconds ago so I look's  like where in the right placed as they parked, the car in a space this time Karen. Got out of the vehicle and slowly help her daughter get out of the passenger, side as she carefully up from the seat. And help her walk two inches to side while. Closing the car door the man went inside to go find a wheelchair so they make it easier for. Her so as the mother was holding onto the girl tight while supporting her to stand up right the teen noticed, she was becoming a little shaky. In her muscles that it hard to hold on to her mother and afraid she going to fall down while waiting patiently, her father quickly exited the building while coming back.With a wheelchair the woman told him to hurry because there daughter can stand, for much longer so he understood. And continued to put the wheelchair behind and slowly gently helped her sit down as she got situated they wheeled, the girl towards the dialysis center while.By walking five feet because they didn't park to far, from the medical building. Along it not taking to. Long so as a few minutes went by they slowly, walked into the entrance of the main. Doors they continued to walk past a sigh that lead them to, a main receptionist desk. So the parents figured. They have to check her in since it her first time here.

" Hi excuse said the middle age woman as she was. Trying to get the receptionist attention

" Hi ma'am and how may, I helped you said rue young. Receptionists as she sounded both polite and professional.

" Yes we are here to, check in our daughter she was told by her doctors order she is receiving nocturnal dialysis, here at daVita kidney care three nights a week she was recently diagnosed with renal failure so he believes this, best treatment while being on the waiting. List for a donor for a kidney transplant.

" What's her name said the female receptionist asked.

" Her name is Madison Catherine Ronny,

" Aw yes we where, waiting, for her arrive said the female receptionist and right on time it's only six thirty so she has an hour and thirty minutes till she starts so they won't, allow her to get on the machine. Till it's seven thirty so for right now there some paperwork, I need to fill out in meantime Maddie. In the meantime you can fill out these forms since your, new patient.

" Ok thank you so much, miss said the teen girl.

" You're welcome you, can calm me Mary as the female said. So as the next half hour went by the girl was busy getting introduced to the unit since being new in all, As the the nurse said told parents they can take, from her they all said goodbye. Before they where leaving they told there daughter she will, be picked up tomorrow morning between. Four forty five to five fifteen AM so they can take her home they also told her, for she is feeling side, effects afterwards. Or sick at all she can stay home. From school Maddie agreed with them. So as they left the nurse began to wheel the young lady because first they can get her weight along with temperature, then moving forward they. Will get ready to start her dialysis treatment.

" So as thirty minutes, went by Madidie was just sitting there. While the nurse was finishing up along explain everything, that was happening she wasn't to sure if. That made her be relived because she is still a little, nervous along anxious and scared. Because she barely knows anyone here the though girl, is now someone who going to cry. So while looking around being attached a machine for eight hours overnight a three girl's her age who are right, next her noticed she was having. Hard transition and decided to come over to introduce themselves along, comfort her so as got the girls attention. That made her feel better

"Having hard time, said the brown hair girl as she. Sat beside her while noticing the other girl being emotional at the moment

" Yes unfortunately I am, right now said the blonde girl.

" I figured that, my name is Sadie I'm sixteen. I've been here for over a week so understand how feels to be new. Here because I was in position the first time these are my friends Emily and Jade they two have been, here for over a week and still understand. The fact we all have kidney disease we are starting to, come close quickly even though. We were only strangers in the beginning, so why do you say do you want to be friends?. Sadie said. As was talk to the girl beside her

" Sure I would love, that I didn't get the chance to. Introduce myself. Yet my new is Madison but people call me Maddie. She said

"That's fine it's not, to meet you Maddie and with that. Something special happens throughout the night the four girls became, best friends, even though they're just strangers. But the night has just began and it. It's going to be a long one

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