Chapter 13 Treatment part 5

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" So as the night was starting, to begin and it has now been. It's only been hour and Maddie is starting too get anxious and while something in the pit of her stomach, that girl has only been there.In the small dialysis center the fact that the girl has being on the machine makes her nervous as while thinking, way her while doesn't deserve to. Have renal failure while still sick and began become frozen and sit there because after hearing everything from the doctor, it made her go pretty much numb.That her anxiety and depression went up so as Ella was talking to both Emily and Jade where talking they all turned, there head off to right side and. Began directed it to there new friend and noticed something is wrong they noticed the girl and know she just discharged, from the hospital while being. Diagnosed with kidney failure she was hospitalized while, being very sick during the week. She was in same icu unit as her along with Emily they heard all about her, story from her nurse. And felt bad while they improving after week in the hospital, she was fighting hard for her life. So mabey she is experiencing feelings mixed emotions as she struggling, at this time they all discuss to help her.

" Maddie it's new friend Sadie, hey look I know it's scary. Honey but you need to calm down the only reason your like this right now because something must of triggered your anxiety to have you set you off, as the girl said while being  gentle and saying in. Kind way while trying to snap her friend out of her depression. Im now use said I tried  she said

" Let me try it, said Emily as talk to her friend in private. But after the second attempt it didn't work. Well she tired so I guess it's Jade turn to try

" After Jade was able, convince to the blond girl she. Was able to snap her out of it but while speaking to girl kindly, while being gentle by trying be careful. As well while being a mental state so after the girl realize just happened she broke down in sadness, and was totally confused where. She was so they had so full her in again

" I'm sorry as the blond girl, said this is just making both frustrating. And sad along be worried and have mixed feelings way does it have to be me that I don't, understand a regular healthy person. Who end up get symptoms of renal failure and sudden get very sick that I almost died.said the teen as her voice sounded in sadness still.

" I know hun but, i've been gonna be ok all you can do is get dialysis night. Now maybe try to distract yourself and by doing the homework or watching TV or eat dinner our either talk to us do it doesn't bother you how does? that sound Maddie said Jade.

" Thank you Jade you are, the best said the teen girl. As she was talking to her new friend

" You're welcome, Maddie said Jade." So as the night went on Maddie got a lot done including her missed homework, along stoping to eat her renal free dinner. Along doing activities and talking with others and along her new friends then eventually began to watched. Tv for a little bit then got tired and began, to recline the chair back and. Told her name friends she is going to go to bed and will talk to them in the morning they all agrees and said they, are going to bed as well. And it almost time for lights out soon anyways so as everyone else was settlement in for tonight, everything begins, become quiet. Around 2
Two Am Maddie woke up in middle of the night her brain never shut off, so she move around to settle back.Down so is able get to sleep but nothing worked. So she called a nurse who came over quickly and began gave here a cooler dialysate. So I can help her able to sleep

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