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Officer Carson was undercover. He had been posted to wait for a shooter. He didn't realize it, but the people he was undercover with realized he was a cop and sent another shooter to take him out. Bowie spotted the shooter he had originally come for. He grabbed his radio. "This is 21 David to comma-" His words had been cut off. A bullet hit the back of his bulletproof vest, but it knocked him to the ground.

"Command to 21 David." A second bullet was fired right after. He didn't know whether they had gone through his vest or not. He sat for a minute, trying to keep his breath. He pulled himself back up and grabbed his radio. He pressed down on the button. "This is 21 David. Shots fired, I've been hit." Chris heard him over the radio. "Luca, Drive. Now." Luca pulled Black Betty out of HQ. "Do we even know where he is?" Hondo questioned sternly. "We can track his phone." Tan replied. "This is 20 David to HQ. We need the location of Bowie Carson." Hondo spoke into his radio, sighing. Commander Hicks grabbed his radio. "Command to 20 David, His last known location is a parking garage by Echo Park."

Luca drove there as fast as he could. Chris picked up her radio. "24 David to 21 David, do you copy?" The radio was silent, she repeated herself. "This is 24 David to 21 David, do you copy?" Her voice sounded more upset. "We're gonna get him, Chris, don't worry." Street reassured her.

Boe was sitting against the wall of the parking garage's 4th floor. His breathing was sharp. It felt like years were passing him by, though it was only about 10 minutes. "How far out are we?" Chris asked Luca. "About 10 minutes out. But we're definitely stuck in the traffic up ahead." He replied, taking a sharp left. "He could die in those 10 minutes, you better haul ass." She spoke, leaning back against her seat.

When the squad parked outside the garage, Chris was the first one out. "Chris, Deacon, you're with me, Tan, Luca, Street, take the first 2 floors." Hondo ordered. Hondo, Chris, and Deac made their way to the 3rd floor, staying alert since they didn't know if there was still a shooter in the area or if he had fled. When they got to the 4th floor.

they found Bowie, hanging onto his life by a hair. Chris rushed over to him, dropping to her knees. "Maverick, can you hear me?" Her breathing got heavy as she didn't get a response. She checked for his pulse. It was there, but it was weak. She grabbed her radio. "This is 24 David, we need an RA to the parking garage by Echo Park."

She moved a few hairs out of his face, taking off his helmet. Hondo crouched next to her, and Deac finished clearing the 4th floor. Hondo undid his vest to assess the damage. He took a deep breath. The first bullet was stuck in his vest, the second one had barely broken through the last layer. It didn't break any skin, but it definitely left a nasty mark.

Hondo picked up his helmet. "Chris, there is a bullet stuck in his helmet." He said, turning towards her. Chris's heart dropped, and she went to examine the side of his head. There wasn't any blood, but there could be possible internal damage. The EMTs arrived on scene, loading him into an ambulance. Deacon made his way back when he heard the sirens. "No sign of the shooter." He said.

-At The Hospital-

Chris was sitting in the waiting room, her head in her palms. "Officer Alonso?" A nurse spoke, making her turn her head. "Yeah, that's me." Chris replied. "Officer Carson has been moved to surgery. We'll notify you when he's awake." Chris nodded in response. She couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty for him being unconscious. They could have arrived on time. What if they had been too late? Street walked over from the vending machine, handing her a bag of m&ms. "He's gonna be okay." Street reassured her. "He better be." She replied, sighing deeply.

It felt like forever had passed before the nurse came back out. "He's awake." She said softly. "Can I see him?" Chris asked, her tone lifting slightly. The nurse brought her to room A103. Maverick was plugged into a heart monitor. "Hey." Chris said softly as she walked over to his hospital bed.

"Guess you're still stuck with me, Officer Alonso." Maverick said, his voice somewhat weak. His eyes were only open halfway, and his breathing was barely normal. "Yeah, and it better stay that way." She replied, her gaze lingering on him. He was pale like a ghost. "I should have been the one to get shot." She mumbled. "Chris, if you had gotten shot, I don't think I'd ever recover." He said, biting the inside of his cheek lightly.

"I chose to do the mission, I knew the risks." He added. Chris looked back up at him. "What if we hadn't made it to you in time?" Maverick took a deep breath. "Then I'd have kept fighting like hell for my life." He replied. He took another breath before he kept speaking. "I wouldn't just let myself die on you like that, I dont need you getting black out drunk for weeks." Chris hadn't expected that sentence to leave his mouth. "Might need a drink or two later." She spoke back, her tone somewhat humorous. "Ma'am, you are aware you're driving both of us home?" He replied, matching her tone.

She shook her head lightly. "You better not die on me, Bowie." She said, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm breathing, aren't I?" He proclaimed. "Or should I start reciting Hamilton in Russian?" He added. Only Bowie could joke like that right after having surgery. "You must have gotten a lot of brain damage from that last bullet, huh?" Chris returned his tone of voice. "Only a partially fractured skull." He protested. "What?! You could have led with that." Chris spoke, her tone turning more concerned. "It's nothing. It'll heal in a week or two, but til then, I'm on desk duty." He replied, chewing on his bottom lip anxiously.

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