Husk x Angel part 2

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Heres part 2 sorry for taking long. It's not as great as I hoped it would've been. As I said in my note at the start I haven't written smut since H.S. So anyways. Enjoy!
Also credit to artist, don't know who owns it but if you know let me know so I can give proper credit! Thanks!

"Princess, I need a favor.” He didn’t even give her a chance to say anything as he continued to speak “I need your driver to take me to the fuckin Vee tower. Don’t ask questions. I’d fly there but I need your limo for other reasons.” Charlie nodded, deciding not to ask any questions as she can see the clear anger in the former overlords eyes. “Yes of course. Do you wa-” Husk cut her off “No, I’m going by myself.” Without another word husk left the hotel and headed towards the limo

As soon as the former overlord arrived at the Vee Tower he made his way inside, no one would stop him even if they tried. Husk was fuming, his ears twitching as he stood inside the elevator riding it to the top look that belonged to the man he was ready to murder if given the opportunity. Once on the floor belonging to Val, Husk stepped out and made his way into the studio. Nothing prepared him for what he saw next.

Angel was tied down to the bed inside his dressing room in the studio, his body shaking and covered in cuts and bruises he knew were from Valentino himself. Taking a breath and marching forward Husk summoned his card, his hand sending them flying towards the binds holding Angel to the bed. Val’s head snapping the direction in which they came, a smirk growing onto the overlords face as he saw the very angry cat coming his way.

”Well, well, well. What do we have here.” Husk scoffed as he glared at the moth before him “You know exactly why I’m here.” Valentino stood from the seat he was in, his producer seat if you will, crossing his arms while his lower arms were on his hips “And que vas hacer un gatito? He’s in my studio right now. You have no say over what I do to my employees.”  Husk tail flared in anger, he grabbed Val by the shirt gripping onto the chain attached to his nipple rings in the process. Valentino yelped and slapped husk away, his wings flapping as he squeaked in fury, his gaze fixed on the cat lying on the floor before him.

Husk slowly began to stand as Val made his way closer and kicked him down again, resting his heel on the cat's stomach causing him to hiss in pain and summon one of his playing cards, throwing it at Valentino's wing. Val yelled out in pain looking back at his wing finding a part of it sliced. “Estupido gato.” Val hissed, Angel finally gained his composure and ran over to the two other demons, pushing his boss away from the former overlord who came to his rescue “Leave him alone Val!” Valentino glares at the spider, his rage clear as day that someone interrupted him “Get him out.”

Husk sat up “Keep your fuckin hands off of Angel. I get a call again that you laid a hand on him. Your entire set of wings will be gone. And your studio will be too. Don’t want another incident like your bullshit club. Don't ya?” The moth's eyes widened for a split second then glared at him again. “So much for a former overlord. You cant even keep your-” “Shut the fuck up. Just keep your hands off of Angel.” Husk stood, Angel grasping onto the cat attempting to pull him away from his boss. “He’s on a contract. I do as I please with him. If i want him to fuck 20 demons he does so. You have no fucking say.” Val smirked and made Angel's chain appear, pulling the spider towards him. Grabbing his face and forcing him to face the cat. “Who wouldn’t want to fuck this face”

“Husk… just go…” Angel whimpered out. The cat shook his head not giving in, he wasn’t leaving without Angel and there wasn’t a negotiation (BTW I am not doing a fight scene. I don’t know how to write fight sequences without cringing or feeling like it’s just plain bad). “No. I ain't leavin here without you. So you jackass. Let him go. If you know who I was then you know the way I play.” Val pushed Angel aside causing him to stumble and fall back, wincing as he landed hitting one of his injuries. Husk noticed and hissed, grabbing Val by the shirt again and threw him against the wall. “Now you crossed the fuckin line. I was being nice” He summoned a pair of dice and made his way towards the moth who was staring at him in shock. Moreso was shocked because he was slammed into a wall by a 6ft cat. Husk walked over to the moth as he attempted to get away “stay the fuck away from me!” Fear clearly in the moths voice, the former overlord grabbed him by the shirt close to shoving the explosive dice down this throat when Angel pulled him away.

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