Vol 0. Chapter 3.5 - A Lasting Impression

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Ayanokōji Kiyotaka

"You'd rather not risk an untimely incident, was it?" 

The familiar voice was teasing yet pointed, slicing through the hum of conversations and clinking glasses.

Stopping in my tracks just as I reached for a glass of orange juice from a passing tray, I turned, already knowing who I would see. 

Kiryūin Fūka stood there, a smirk dancing on her lips, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

Well, I expected that she would have noticed my performance earlier. But it was a surprise to see her approach me almost immediately after Matsushita left.

"Kiryūin," I acknowledged, maintaining the courteous detachment I had managed to exhibit throughout the evening.

"Hello to you as well, Ayanokōji," she returned smoothly, stepping closer with an elegance that seemed to draw the surrounding light towards her. The soft glow of the chandeliers above enhanced the mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

Taking a good look at her, it seemed like she didn't carry a trace of anger about my abrupt exit earlier; rather, she seemed thoroughly entertained by it. 

"Looks like you've recovered from your... emergency," she quipped, her voice a soft murmur that carried a hint of laughter.

"Hold on, let me get myself another glass," I told her, nodding towards the tray I had been eyeing. The nearby waiter, picking up on the cue, approached us directly, offering the tray with a practiced smile.

I reached for a glass, the cool surface smooth under my fingers. After taking one for myself, I paused momentarily, then picked up a second glass. Offering it to Kiryūin with a slight nod, I said, "And one for you, if you'd like."

Kiryūin's eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and delight at the gesture. "Thank you," she said, accepting the glass. As her fingers brushed against mine briefly, I idly noted how smooth they felt.

Brushing the thought aside, I decided to address her words earlier.

"It wasn't quite the emergency I made it out to be. Turns out I simply had to pee," I admitted, my voice low to match hers, keeping our conversation private amidst the bustle of the soiree.

Kiryūin's laughter tinkled lightly, a contrast to the deeper hum of the soiree around us. "Did you actually? I'm not an idiot, Ayanokōji. I know all these common excuses. It was funny though," she admitted, swirling the juice in her glass as she watched me with an amused expression.

"I did... and I also got the pleasure to talk with Kōenji Rokusuke," I replied, letting out a soft sigh at the memory.

I felt like I would lose brain cells if I stayed in the restroom for another minute.

Kiryūin let out a snort that somehow still felt dignified. "A pleasure, huh? You can be a little more candid, Ayanokōji," she said, a clear invitation to let my thoughts be known.

"He clearly has an absolute, overwhelming confidence in himself, much like yourself. But he certainly isn't as charming as you," I replied, figuring it might be a good comment to make.

And I was right.

"That goes without saying. I would actually be alarmed if you found Kōenji to be charming," she responded, chuckling lightly. "So what did he do this time?"

"He was conducting a monologue on his own perfection," I recounted. "It's impressive, in a way, the level of self-admiration one can have."

Kiryūin laughed again; this time, her amusement seemed mixed with a hint of understanding. "Ah, that does sound like Kōenji. He never misses a chance to admire himself. But, unlike him, I prefer to let others do the admiring."

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