part 19

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Its 3 in the afternoon y/n was heavily sleeping still, kyojuro was still watching her like a damn owl.  He was questioning himself, 'why would she go all the way to challenge my father just so I can acknowledge her love, now that I think about it we haven't been spending time with each other in awhile'.  Knocking comes at the door, he turns his head, it opens up...sanemi comes in to see him sitting on the bed frame. 

Feeling creeped out by this he asks, "how long have you been awake?" "All night long and still awake" he keeps his eyes locked on the sleeping woman.  "Um okay, anyways the master is summoning all of us.." "okay I'll be there soon..." Another awkward silent moment, sanemi is feeling very awkward, "uh..anyways whatever I guess don't be late!". 





[6:05 PM]

Y/n wakes up to an empty room, groaning in discomfort she sits up.  A knock comes at the door, "in here damnit I just got up" it opens, she wasn't impressed to see kyojuro's father and a few guards with him.  "Oh great...its you..anyways what is it" "...get up" that mf, "and what if i chose to not get upwhat are you gonna do huh, drag me?" "More or less since you've wanted to challenge me apparently little girl might as well make it more serious if you want to go agaisnt me".  "I dont know you sound fishy, because I feel like you have said something to kyojuro in order to stop us from seeing each other". 

He scoffs, "alright enough chit chat get yourself out of bed were going" "nuh uh I'm not leaving" "alright fine bag her up let's go".  She gives him a skeptical look for a second until it went dark really quick. 





The gravity shifts, she collides with something hard and solid, "alright were here happy..unbag her this is not my favorite part of the day...." "Don't you dare end me today!! I will bite your face!!" "Yeah yeah shut it miniature Chihuahua" the fuck!!?! Oh he did not.  Suddenly the light shines, it blinds her  for a few minutes.  The wind kicks up, she was slowly standing on her two feet, "god damn why is it so bright!?" "You haven't adjusted to the lighting dumbass" he sounded annoyed. 

"Pick up the wooden katana on the left" blinking a few times the surrounding was clearing up, it looked like a dojo or a at home gym.  Whatever, looking down at the wooden stick she picks it up, kyojuro's father was holding his regular katana in it's sheath.  "Hey that's not fair you have a regular katana and I don't.." "so why does it matter young lady you said you wanted a fight and punched me a few times so why dont you...go ahead and bring it unless you're too weak".  He mocked her, she felt irritated again and stomps up to his face,  glaring daggers into his flame colored eyes. 

He draws his sword in the sheath, y/n raises the wooden katana and goes to jab his abdomen but he quickly dodged in a flash.  "Your not fast enough to go up against me" turning on her heel his elbow collides with her eyeball.  She stumbles back a bit holding it in pain, wincing a little bit she started thinking, 'why did I ever agree to challenge him on a one vs one to get kyojuro's attention!!'.  He walks around staring at her with a cold expression, "hmm maybe your just too burnt out" he whacks her again she hisses in pain and hold her lower back from the aching. 

Swinging the wooden katana at his throat he easily catches it, giving off a smirk he firmly holds it.  "Ah so it's the vital area your aiming for, too bad you can't be able to land any hit this time" he  harshly punches her in the nose again as she falls onto her bottom as it bleeds again.  "Well little lady what are you going to do" "fuck you" "hard pass street entertainer, where's that strong surge to hit me huh" he uses his weight in the left foot and pins her down.  "Aagh your being unfair!" "You shouldve been more faster but no I dont think your capable of being strong enough for kyojuro perhaps he can reconsider you being his girlfriend and maybe he should have a child with the higher up".

"Hell fucking no I'm not letting him go!!" "Haha then hit me if you can try" growling at his nasty comment she grabs his ankle and rolls.  He falls over in alarm, "ah the ol rolling out of being pinned huh interesting".  "Father!! What are you doing!?" "Easy now kyojuro, I'm just teaching this street entertainer a harsh lesson again" "no no noway nope nope, wait a minute y/n is that you? Are you serious".  She climbs to her feet and charges a bit faster towards kyojuro's father. 

The wooden katana is swung towards his neck again he grabs it in time, y/n starts pushing him back a bit.  "Oh? Tryna beat me now" he smirks in a challenging way, quickly using his reflex she's off balance as he then pushes her down on the wooden boards.  The wooden katana is pinning her down, she's struggling to get up, "you fucking bastard!!!!! Im not giving up until kyojuro is mine again!!" She straining to stand.  "Y/n common you don't have to do this!" His voice is muffled out, her fists clench tightly as the knuckles turn white. 

"Breaking my nose, being unfair, being a dick, saying that kyojuro should reconsider being with me, calling me a damn street entertainer ha don't make me laugh!..".  Tripping his father again she has him pinned under her, he holds onto the wooden katana in his hands.  "Well what are you going to do little lady aren't you going to bite my face?, punch me again, or what".  "Damn right I'm going to hit you, but it won't be in the gut this time" she swings her fist square into his face busting his lip. 

"Damn!!" The fight continues to get worse, she's hardly standing now, kyojuro's father was slightly bruised.  Y/n kept her eyes locked on his flame colored eyes making sure to not lose sight.  The blood still dripping, alongside the cut she received from him.  Black and blue bruises are forming, he sighs, " win, kyojuro take her and go, apparently she's more stubborn than I thought".  He walks away, y/n then collapsed onto the floor blacking out, kyojuro rengoku rushes over and picks her very bruised up body and starts speed walking away. 

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