Part 20

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                                     - Maria -

It was getting really cold now. It was dark and Lili had fell asleep on my lap. I missed moments like this. I heard the buzz of my friends, mingling with the one girl I couldn't ever erase from my head. I looked up to see her laughing with Lara. I knew they would get along.

Lara was like my version of a friend group mother. She was always checking on me, always up for relaxing instead of parties like Sasha. She really helped me through the divorce and heartbreak. Also a lot with Lili. A whole lot. She was always babysitting for me early one when I was figuring things out. I am forever thankful for her.

I must have been staring a while because the two were now staring at me. I stared Lara dead in the eyes as she was wiggling her eyebrows at me with a smug grin. I rolled my eyes at her but noticed Lydia turn to talking to Matt and Sasha, sounded very loud and energetic.

Lara slid over and sat next to me on the sand that was cold now. She pressed a hand on my shoulder which made me turn to face her. She was smiling, sweet. God that's the face she made when she was about to have a motherly moment with me.

'Sooo Ri Ri?' She chuckled a little awkwardly. Doing a little arm jig that was really embarrassing.

I laughed a little and grinned at her. 'What is it Lar?' She laughed letting out a long breathe.

'I was thinking maybe I could take Lili for a sleepover tonight?' I heard her speak and arched one brow.

'What for?' Why would she want Lili? She never really slept over now, it wasn't needed. Not anymore anyway.

'So you and ms teacher over there could get some time alone.' I watched her wiggle her eyebrows again as she had done before.

I brushed my fingers through Lili's hair as I spoke. 'Lar..' She raised a hand to be quiet a minute and smiled.

'Oh please Riri, I see the way you look at her.' She seemed very insistent.

'Okay fine but I'd have to check with Lydia.' I prayed internally Lydia would say she was busy or something. This would be social suicide.

'She seemed pretty eager to keep you company when I mentioned you'd be lonely without Lili tonight.' She smirked. Oh that little bitch.

'Lara!' I yelled so loud it made Matt turn his head and Lydia. I slapped my hands over my mouth, huffing.

Lili stirred next to me. God i definitely woke her up, she usually got clingy when she had to go somewhere other than home. I didn't want her to cry, that would cause me to feel so bad for my little girl.

Lili was mumbling to herself and opened her eyes groaning as she looked up at me.

'Hey princess..' I gently pushed the hair from her face and she warmly smiled at me. Her eyes were only half open. She was clearly half away.

'I want mommy..' she groaned, spreading herself out onto me.

'Aw that's sweet..' I heard Lara say but her eyes widened when Lydia appeared beside us both, picking up Lili.

I smiled but felt eyes on me and looked up to see the gaped open mouths of all three of my friends as Lili mumbled again.

'Mommy!' She sounded excited and Lydia leant down, kissing her forehead. God I love that woman. Lili was falling back asleep.

'You better take Lili while she's asleep, she will cry if she isn't.' Lara nodded and picked up Lili off of me, Sasha rushing to stand with her. Matt was picking up cans of beer they had been drinking.

Thread of Gold [ WLW ] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon