1. Alliance

43 10 19

In a room engulfed with darkness without a speck of light slightest voice of sobs can be heard , the sobs of a girl who is sitting on a prayer mat crying for forgiveness from her Lord, craving to be close to her Almighty, to make everything easy , for granting her patience , to make the test easy for her...

Hello !! welcome to my story ^_^
( Fine, fraction of my story and other half you will get to know soon.)

So coming back to my intro it's me Eeshal Iram, 3rd year med student Alhamdulillah, really happy go lucky girl, loves to read books and be in my imaginary world ,and I can go on for so long if its about me ,but lets continue later on as I am getting so late for my exam.
Yes , you heard it right it's my last theory exam today.

Right now I'm getting ready standing in front of a mirror just being in my dreamland.
Moisturising my hands, face and coating my lips with lip balm, wearing my abaya admiring myself for the nth time which could be unhealthy for many reasons...

I put on a beautiful and slightly tensed smile.

It feels as if it took me a very long time to get back this smile and no worries face, and right now I am blessed to have it back.

Mumma's voice broke my trance as she is shouting on me to be quick as I could miss my college bus. I finish up my work ,took my bag and went downstairs running and was greeted with beautiful face and angry voice of my mother.
"What's this Eeshal be quick or else you will miss your bus , Ahaan is waiting for you since so long."

" Ji mumma jaariyun waise bhi bhai ko toh mauqa chahiye gussa karne ka" I said hugging my mom.
( Yes mom I am leaving and also brother needs a chance to shout on me)

"All the best"

I bid her goodbye after kissing her forehead and leave to where my "khadoos" brother is waiting impatiently to drop me and return to his beauty sleep .

Being seated in the bus I greet my friend and start revising my syllabus, also wait for my other friend to hop on the bus..

After Exam

" Ya Allah, who said forensic paper would be easy, ask us how bad our question paper was" I rant to my friends and an upset sigh greets me.
"I just hope I pass my exams by Allah's mercy...AMEEN.."

I turn towards my "Jigris" watching them being seated near me, I wouldn't have been here if not them being my side at all times. They stayed with me through every thick and thin handling me wonderfully. I'm always grateful for these amazing friends I got . Ever since they came into my life, It's been episodes of adventure and comedy.

" Yup, dude don't even ask about my exam, I am warning you " replies Aaira.
" Be happy at least theory papers are over" sighs Khadijah.

( Okay so obviously I have to introduce her friends or else who's gonna read a story in which there're no best friends hehe... so she's got 2 friends they are Aaira and Khadijah . Aaira has been her friend since 7th standard and on their way in high school they met Khadijah matching their vibe so they became best friends )

After a hectic day, exhaustion of exam and excitement of finishing them and then the lack of sleep since many days, I reach home to answer plenty of questions asked by bhai about my exam (These elder siblings with same field I tell you huh ...)

After eating my dinner and offering Isha. I lay on my bed lost in my thoughts, thinking about what future beholds for me and after the extreme sad phase that went by, what should be the next thing to look forward to? .......I indulge in a deep slumber.

Author's Pov

Her mother came to check on her and found her burning with fever.
"Ya Allah!!! Eeshal get up you are having high fever, take tablets and then sleep"

- She fed her tablets and went back . On her way back she thought she will talk about it later as she actually went to discuss something important with Eeshal.

Late night she was sweating profusely and murmuring inaudible words, twisting and turning continuously trying to sleep.
But she didn't knew what monsters were stopping her to recover from an unknown fear which has kept her awake snatching her peace.
It's been like this for months now, a fear of loosing that one being which left her with a brutal scar,

A scar which doesn't show but hurts the most...

Eeshal's Pov

Next Morning...

I got up when the rays of sunlight disturbed my sleep. My head throbbing with pain and me being totally emotional about something I don't even know.
I pulled myself away from bed and went to freshen up ... and then proceed downstairs where my brother was having his meal and my mother in kitchen making breakfast, I greet them and took a seat beside my brother keeping my head on his shoulders being totally tired.

"Are you alright ?" inquired bhai.
"Ji bhai just not feeling well." I snugged.

"Its okay have your breakfast and meds and then take some rest. I am observing you aren't having your meals properly"

I was talking to my brother when my mother enters from the kitchen holding a cup of chai and bowl of curry.

(Okay here's the thing , you cannot be a hyderabadi if you don't like chai...
We guys are obsessed with chai...)

"What happened beta are you not well?"My mumma asked me caressing my cheek
"Ji mumma pata nahi kaiku sarr dard hora"
( Ji mom I don't know why I am having a headache )

"Okay beta have your breakfast first" She waits for some seconds thinking and voicing her opinion , she utters
"Then your brother wants to talk about something "

I look towards bhai, who looks at mumma as if she betrayed him and he gives me a slight smile, I nod my head in approval leaving everything for later as my headache reaches it's peak , then we had breakfast talking about most random things in existence.

After breakfast I sat on the couch with my brother who happens to have a face which doesn't give off any signs about what he wanna talk, me being scared about what I did?
"bhai now say something we have been sitting here for past 15 mins and you haven't uttered a word"

My brother keeps his hand on my head lovingly and says "You know na Eeshal me and mumma want everything that is good for you and we won't take any decisions without your approval "

Nodding and blinking my eyes I signalled my brother to continue further, which he doesn't seem to understand being in his own thoughts, after waiting for some more seconds I start again with.

" Yes bhai I'm aware but how does it relate to us sitting here and you being all serious."

After what felt like a decade, my brother sighs and opens his mouth to say something

"We've received an alliance for you 5 days ago .. me and ammi liked the guy and his family,
and we want your approval to proceed giving them an answer"

Sensing my unannounced silence and blank mind he continues,
"You need to move on from the phase you've been through, and think about your marriage"

As those words left his mouth, I felt like I lost my power to listen anymore after that...

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What do you guys think is the past
bothering her??
let me know in the comments

Do share your reviews and opinions about the story and characters and do wait for the next chapter....
Male lead's pov next or continuation of eeshal's ? let me know

Next update on Thursday!!

For updates and follow ups check out instagram @Med_flare
Proofreading by @maybeauxillary2

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