2. Video call

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Izan's POV

It's a pretty calm saturday. I'm sitting in the lawn of my house absorbing the nature,fresh air playing around while I work on my laptop. Finally a good and peaceful weekend after all the stressful night shifts.
It looks soo beautiful right now, the day is shifting towards sunset; orange and pink hues covering the sky giving an enthralling view.

Last rays of the sun hits my face glistening the beads of sweat on my forehead as I lay my head back on the chair, gentle breeze wiping away the sweat. The race of rays and air continues and a gentle smile turns the edges of my lips upwards embracing the heartfelt atmosphere.
The best way to spend a saturday evening.

"Bhaiiiii" and here goes my peace along with the winds urghh....
"What?" I turn around giving the most annoying expression to my sibling.
"What bhai why are you so annoyed seeing your handsome little brother" says Shazain, well definitely handsome but...

"Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?" replies Alizeh.
Here they go again, can't they just let me be in peace for some hours? I sigh.
"Definitely better than yours" comes the answer from my brother.

"Why are you guys here disrupting my peace?".

"Well Ammi was calling you saying she needs something important to discuss with you".
"By the way bhai what were you doing since so long huh talking to our future bhabhi?" asks my brother with mischief in his eyes.

Alizeh nudges her elbow into Shazain's stomach and glares at him and they have a conversation within themselves through their eyes, well that looks like a fight to me.
What's with the weird eye signs and wait a daym minute what's up with this 'future bhabhi'?.

"What?" I asked abruptly being confused.
"Nothing bhai you know na how stupid he is and all" says my sister.

"You are the one stupid here" I heard while leaving from there.
Will they ever stop fighting, will they ever grow up?
my beautiful sunset.. urghh so annoying.

I enter into my house and see my parents having a very serious discussion while being seated on the dusted bluish couch and my lips widen into a subtle smile without my consent, just seeing them makes me want to believe that love and affection still remains in this cruel world.

I stride towards their direction and sat on the single seated couch in front of them trying to gain their attention.

"Ji Ammi did you call me?" My parents broke their trance and look in my direction, a short smile gracing their lips showing the level of affection they hold for me. My mom looks like the epitome of sweetness, she's a classy lady who holds the qualities of a devoting mother and a wife and then my dad is no less than a determined doctor whose nature holds leadership qualities. A man who compete against the world for his dream while holding onto himself with every ounce of energy in him. These people raised their children and taught them to follow their religion despite being in a surrounding influenced by western culture.

I tried to read their expression and came to the conclusion of nothing.
My mom looks at me and then my dad turns towards me and starts "Yes son how's your duty going on is everything okay in the hospital ?".
"Ok Baba, what is it?" I ask,

"What? nothing" a very quick reply.
My dad tries to divert me from whatever they were discussing and now I clearly got a hint of something fishy cooking and here comes the iconic glare of my mom directed towars baba.

"Okay so we've seen a girl and we like her for you" my dad utters continously without a break,fear of my mom I tell ya .

Wait a minute "What!!!?" more like a shock rather than a question.

"Ammi I've already informed you I'm not ready yet".
" I've been asking for your marriage since an year,how long will you take to be ready?" replies my mother.
How do I explain them I need more time it's that simple.
"I'm not gonna wait anymore, you're already 26, rejected many alliances, of course there's no one left in Chicago and this girl is Indian and lives in Hyderabad".

Indian seriously?, I haven't been to Hyderabad since a decade,how does Ammi think she would me right for me?, how would we adjust with each other?, already a minus point. Why doesn't Ammi understand?.
"She's a med student already passed USMLE step 1 so I don't think there would be an issue about this matter".

Well atleast she's going to be a doctor, plus point.

Why am I even looking for pros and cons just stop Izan.
"Beta I have seen her photo she's a pretty girl,also heard about her from your aunt, she said the girl is well behaved, dedicated and the family is decent too" concludes my mother.

I can't do anything much about it nevertheless I just nod my head and wait for them to continue their *how good is the girl* talk.
" Yes I've heard her brother is already a practicing doctor in New York" says my father after so long.
"She's a nice girl, give her a chance and most importantly give yourself a chance, I think you both will be good for each other, I already had spoken with the mother of the girl and fixed for a video call tomorrow".

" Ji Ammi" I utter and take my leave surrounded by thousand of thoughts; is it a good thing to give myself a chance?.
Why are they in such a hurry? "arranged a video call" I mimic my Ammi walking away, I already lost trust on every girl after that incident.

Would I really be able to give a chance for any relationship..

I enter my room and lay on my bed, the ringing bell of the phone breaks the chain of my thoughts bringing me back to reality. I look at the caller ID and..
Can this day be anymore annoying???

"Yes Junaid" I speak after picking up the phone.
(Of course there has to be a best friend even for the male lead too or else who would be a classic clown and give the male lead a reality check,so here he is thank me later)

"What happened dude why do you sound angry?"
"Nothing much you say why did you call me?"
"What can't I even call my bestie now?"
" Stop it seriously not in a mood just state the reason".
"Bro do you remember Hina from our college, she got married".

How can I forget her name of course I remember her.
"Oh is this your important talk to call me?" I frown.
"No bro just wanna ask what are you doing tomorrow let's hang out" he replies.

"Nah, Ammi has something important coming up tomorrow, no time.
"Ok then" he sighs and I disconnect the call without waiting for his reply, obviously I'm not gonna let him know about the video call, can't take any teasing for time being.

After that I spent the rest of the evening with my family, had my dinner with them and went to bed after all the teasing from my siblings.


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Finally the Izan's pov !!!

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Next update on Thursday!!

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Proofreading by @maybeauxillary2

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