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Once the rankings were released last night everyone sat is shock at seeing me sitting at number eight and Fallen was sitting at number fifteen which was very rare to have one person from our District to be ranked in the top fifteen but to have both of us in the top fifteen and one of us in the top ten is unheard of. Fallen and I both discussed that we seen a shift in Haymitch and believe that he'll be focusing on me since I'm the higher ranked one between us two.
Like normal I was up and eating breakfast before anyone else was up. I was going on my third plate when Haymitch came in and sat down across from me. He stared at me for the longest time like he wanted to say something, but doesn't know how to say it.
"I read the journal you gave me," Haymitch said causing me to put my spoon down and give him my full attention, "my father wasn't around growing up so I never knew I had any siblings that's why when you first told me I didn't believe you...I fully believed you now and I'm going to do everything that I can to bring you home so that we can get to know each...I know it's unfair for the boy but as mentor we all know only one comes out one top and most of us who have to mentor two tributes we focus on the one who has more promise than the other and I know for a fact that Fallen will get pretty far in the games cause you'll be by his side."
"We can start getting to know each other now if you'd like," I said trying to make him fell better bout me going into the games, "besides if I don't make it out you still won't be alone I have plenty of siblings that can use another adult figure in their lives other than my two older brothers."
"How many siblings do you have," Haymitch asked in a shocked tone and his grey eyes wide with wonder.
"Well there's my older brother Anders after him was my older sister Lima who you met a few years ago and please don't feel bad you didn't know she was family at the time," I said reading his face of his emotions, "after Lima comes my twin brother, Apollo who is older than me by ten minutes, and I then Nathalie, Adrain, Kaylee, Davis, Mevlyn, Joseph, Charlie, Peirre, and Alexandria who died when the small pox out break hit 12."
"Wow," Haymitch said shock written all over his face.
"Yeah image being the one to grow up with that many siblings," I said, "but it sounds like someone is coming so we can finish this conversation at a later time I gotta go get dressed and ready for training anyways." Before he could get a word in edge wise I stood up and walked into my room. I noticed an Avox walking out of my room meaning my training clothes have been brought in. After showering I put my hair into its normal braids and put on the black and gray training clothes.

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