claudia and the phantom caller.

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EVERYTHING WENT WELL with the club/business. everyone was happy. ava was becoming closer and closer to everyone, especially claudia.

 at school, stacey, ava, and claudia were talking at their lockers.

"so, what're you guys planning to buy soon?" ava asked her two friends.

"i think i'll buy this one bag from gucci." stacey answered.

"gucci? damn girl, you rich like that?"

stacey laughed, "i mean, i kind of lived in nyc."

claudia butted in, "i am definitely getting more paintbrushes. i saw some online, and they look really high quality."

ava chuckled. "just paintbrushes?"

"i'll think more about it. i might want something more, but yes, paintbrushes are my priority."

"we should go though." stacey interrupted, "it's almost class."

"right, time for art." ava commented.

"my favorite." claudia replies.

THE ROOM WAS quiet as they focus on their own work, painting here and there. ava and stacey were next to each other. claudia was next to a classmate.

self-portrait, huh? i mean i tried.

ava stared at her painting of herself, then glanced over at stacey's.

"looks good." ava commented.

"you think so?"

"yeah, i like the hair."

"thanks." stacey chuckled.

"it's very... yellow." ava poked fun at stacey, reminding her when she got called 'yellow hair' instead of her name by claudia's sister.

they both giggle at each other. ava looked over at claudia.

claudia was talking to a classmate. ava noticed that claudia was trying hard not to squeal or something.

ava nudged stacey and pointed at the two. stacey and ava stared at each other with amusement.

"is that him?" ava asked.

stacey nodded, "yeah, she's a little head over heels for him."

"ohh." ava chuckled, she was feeling something else other than intriguery, but she can't put her finger on it.

"so, did you hear about this dance thing on friday night?" the classmate asked claudia.

he's asking her to the dance? okay then...

"the halloween hop?" claudia sighed.

"yeah, you going?"

claudia looked over stacey and ava. stacey was mouthing "oh my god!" in excitement, ava was slightly cringing.

claudia laughed at their expressions, "yes." she answered the guy, "i mean... no." she stammers, "i mean, i haven't decided." she looked down on the floor, embarrassed.

apple cider. [claudia kishi.]Where stories live. Discover now