To Me

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Flashback to Into The Spider Verse

One year ago...


Queens, New York

The group consisting of Y/N, Peter B. Parker, Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, Spider Ham and Peni Parker decided to put Miles's spider abilities to the test, but were disappointed when they found that he had mastered almost none of them, including his unique bioelectric and invisibility abilities, they tried making Miles master his fighting skills, but none of that helped, he wasn't fit to be Spider-Man 

 Pressured and alone, Miles left the Spider-Lair

After that, Y/N also leaves the Spider-Lair and sits on the roof in the calm evening when Gwen comes over to him

Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he looked at Gwen. She was both familiar and different, a living reminder of the loss he had experienced. But seeing her here, as another version of herself, brought a glimmer of hope

Y/N: You were too hard on him...

Gwen: He needed that. I'm sure you understand.

Y/N: Not like this...Peter told you guys to ease up, I told you guys to ease up on him! Yet, you made him show off his powers in the worst possible way. Not because he did it on command, but because he felt so embarassed that he nedded to get out of there, hence the camouflage

Y/N's frustration and concern for Miles were evident in his words. He had witnessed firsthand the pressure Miles was under, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they had all failed him in some way. Gwen listened quietly, understanding the weight of Y/N's words. She knew that they needed to support Miles, not push him further into isolation

Gwen sits down next to Y/N, her presence offering a sense of comfort amidst the tension

Gwen: This...job doesn't get easier. And life isn't going to throw flowers at Miles. He needs one understands this better than us

Gwen's words resonate with Y/N, highlighting the harsh realities they face as superheroes and the challenges Miles will inevitably encounter.

Y/N: You're right. The world out there isn't going to cut him any slack just because he's young or inexperienced. He needs to be prepared for whatever comes his way.

Gwen: Exactly. And sometimes, tough love is necessary to help him grow and become the hero he's meant to be.

Their conversation reflects a shared understanding of the responsibilities they bear as mentors to Miles, reinforcing their commitment to supporting him, even when it means making difficult decisions

Gwen: Can I ask why are you so tough with Peter?

Y/N takes a deep breath, getting ready to talk about the Peter from his Earth, his brother, and talk the things he doesn't like on Peter B. Parker

Y/N: It's complicated. In my universe, Peter was my brother. When I lost him, it was like losing a part of myself. And seeing another version of him, especially one who's so different from the Peter I knew, it's...challenging. It's hard not to compare him to the Peter I loved and lost.

Gwen listens intently, sensing the depth of Y/N's emotions as he speaks about his brother.

Y/N: And Peter B. Parker...he's not like my Peter. He's...different. He's cynical, he's lost, he's...broken. And sometimes, it frustrates me to see him not living up to the potential I know he has. But maybe I'm too hard on him because of that. Because I see in him what my Peter could have become if things had been different.

The Spider Connection (Ultimate Spider-Man Male Reader x Gwen Stacy)Where stories live. Discover now