Chapter 7

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The evening of the dinner arrived, and Jenna found herself meticulously preparing for the encounter with Emma Myers.

She chose an elegant yet professional outfit, feeling a mix of determination and apprehension as she readied herself for the night ahead.

As Jenna emerged from her apartment building, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a sleek Rolls Royce pulling up in front of her.

Emma was behind the wheel, her demeanor exuding confidence as she adjusted her sunglasses and smirked in greeting.

Jenna raised an eyebrow, unable to hide a slight smirk of her own, as she approached the luxurious vehicle.

Emma waved casually at Jenna, a mix of amusement and exasperation evident in her expression.

Emma greeted Jenna with a sultry smile, her voice smooth and inviting. "Well, well, Detective Ortega. You clean up nicely."

Suppressing an involuntary shiver, Jenna maintained her composure and slid into the passenger seat, clutching a bag filled with pertinent documents and case files.

"Thank you," Jenna replied, her tone businesslike despite the flutter of nerves within her.

As Jenna settled into the passenger seat of the Rolls Royce, Emma's presence seemed to fill the luxurious car with an undeniable magnetism.

Emma's playful demeanor quickly became evident as she drove, her charm punctuated by casual touches and lingering gazes.

Emma's hand casually brushed against Jenna's arm as she navigated through traffic, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

"You're looking quite stunning tonight, Jenna. I must say, it's a pleasure to have your company."

Jenna felt a rush of warmth spread through her at Emma's compliment, though she tried to maintain her professional demeanor. "Thank you, Emma. Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?"

Emma's grin widened, her hand daringly inching closer to Jenna's thigh. "Oh, but where's the fun in that? We have all night ahead of us."

Jenna shifted slightly in her seat, her cheeks flushing slightly at Emma's boldness. "Emma, I need to discuss—"

Before Jenna could finish, Emma's touch withdrew momentarily, though her gaze remained fixed on Jenna with unmistakable interest.

"Discuss away, Detective," Emma purred, her tone suggestive.

Gathering her composure, Jenna pressed on. "I want to know more about your operation, Emma. How do you manage your network and evade law enforcement?"

Emma's expression shifted briefly, a flicker of calculation in her eyes before she returned to her playful demeanor.

"Ah, my network. It's built on trust, Jenna. People believe in me, and I take care of them. But enough shop talk for now. Let's enjoy the evening."


As Jenna and Emma arrived at the restobar, the ambiance of the lively establishment seemed to envelop them.

They found a secluded table, and Jenna took a moment to compose herself before launching into the discussion she had been anticipating.

"I want to understand more about your operation, Emma," Jenna began, her voice steady despite the undercurrent of tension between them.

"How do you manage your network and maintain secrecy?"

Emma's attention momentarily drifted, blurring out Jenna's words. Her gaze fixating on Jenna's lips, which were poised in concentration.

A fleeting thought crossed Emma's mind—a daring daydream of what it would be like to close the distance between them.

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