He's a Father (Yunho)

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content warning: baby

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word count: 1155

You lay in your bed with several blankets and pillows to keep you comfortable. Your sweet husband walked into the room with a massive grin and a tray of cucumber and ranch.

You sat up eagerly to eat your latest pregnancy craving.

Yunho held the tray as you snacked and watched Notting Hill. He put an arm around you and kissed your temple, being just as sweet as he'd been the day you found out you were pregnant.

"You know, Yunho," you began but laughed because it sounded like you said 'Yunho, Yunho".

He chuckled, and you cried from how funny you'd found it. Your hormones had everything all over the place, but he never made you feel crazy for it. You wiped away the tears of hilarity and retried asking him what you'd learned.

"In my birthing class, the women were all complaining about how unhelpful their husbands are," you told him. "You know what sucks?"

"Their husbands?" he guessed.

"Yeah," you giggled, "And that I didn't want to be rude, so I couldn't brag about you. I just sat there and listened."

You pouted, and Yunho gave you a kiss on your already puckered lips. "That was very considerate of you."

"I don't know if you know this, Yunho, but I'm a good person," you joked. Obviously, he knew since the two of you had met volunteering on Earth Day, but you hadn't gotten to remind him in a while since you'd been put on bed rest.

"You're the best person I know," he replied. "And you'll be the best mom." He rubbed your belly, and you winced from a cramp.

"How far apart is that now?" he asked.

You glanced at your watch, "Seven minutes."

He smiled eagerly, "Baby Sana, we'll get to meet you soon." He kissed your belly, and you teared up at how cute he was.

"What's wrong?" he asked when he noticed you were crying.

"You're just... you're going to be such a good dad," you sobbed.

Yunho set aside the empty snack tray and pulled you in for a hug. "Baby, don't cry over that," he laughed.

"I'm just so lucky," you wailed, annoyed you couldn't control your emotions.

Yunho's eyes watched on at your sobbing in amusement, and you sniffed and blew your nose into a tissue from the box on your nightstand.

"Did you want me to pack anything else in your hospital bag?" he asked.

"Nope. Just my phone charger, toiletries, headphones, and the hat my mom made for the baby."

Yunho did a mental checklist and nodded, "I've already got all of that."

"I knew you would," you tried to stop yourself from tearing up again.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"A little. I know..." you groaned in pain and squeezed his hand. This one hurt worse than the last ones had.

Yunho had his other hand to rub your back soothingly. "You okay, baby?" His face was full of worry.

"I'm fine," you took a deep breath. "As I was saying, I'm a little nervous since labor can sometimes last hours."

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