Staff Pt 1 (Yunho & Mingi)

219 9 28

content warning: self-pleasure, threesome, sex, #goals

word count: 4435

You knock on Mingi's hotel room and he opens the door while raising an eyebrow at you before stepping aside. Yunho is sitting on the bed playing a video game, and you notice Mingi's discarded controller beside him.

"What are you so dressed up for?" Yunho asks. You've changed out of your mandatory staff t-shirt and have on a pair of black heels with a red dress that clings to your body.

"I'm meeting a date for dinner," you explain, and your eyes scan the room for the portable charger you'd lent Mingi earlier. "Ahh!" you spot it on the desk. "Needed this."

"Why do you need a portable for a date?" Mingi asks.

"Expecting it to go well?" Yunho jokes.

"Hope so," you answer. "We matched on Feeld earlier, and he asked if I want to have dinner with him."

"Feeld?" Yunho asks, dropping his controller. "That app for hookups?"

Your face flushes. "Not always."

"You're going to meet a stranger for sex?"

You cross your arms, suddenly feeling judged. "You thought it was fine a second ago," you remind him.

"Yeah, I thought it was with another staff member or something. But you're meeting a stranger who is expecting sex?" Yunho scolds. "That's not safe at all."

"We're meeting for dinner first," you tell him. He's always overprotective of you. It's just dinner.

"What if he slips something into your drink? What if he takes your phone?" Mingi joins him in criticizing.   

"Look, it's just dinner that might end up in a hookup. It's normal."

"I don't like it," Mingi shakes his head disapprovingly. He looks genuinely worried for you.

"Yeah, let's see this guy," Yunho prompts.

You roll your eyes with a sigh but pull up his profile anyway hoping it'll ease their worries.

"Let's see, Robert," Yunho starts, adding air quotes around his name.

He sits on the edge of the bed, and Mingi joins him as they scroll through his photos. "Does this guy have a hobby that isn't taking shirtless selfies?" Yunho complains.

"He seems nice," you argue. "People can be fit and nice."

You try to reach for your phone, but Yunho keeps it away from you as he moves on to his bio.

"He loves doggies and doggy style?" Yunho gags. "That's your idea of a nice guy?"

"Wait, does it really say that?" Mingi asks, and Yunho gives him the phone before coming to stand in front of you.

"You're not going," Yunho tells you.

You laugh immediately. "You can't tell me what to do. I'm off the clock."

"It snowed 4 inches last night, I'll give you 9 tomorrow," Mingi reads. Your eyes go wide when you realize he's opened your messages. Yunho groans in disgust.

"Mingi!" you shout and try to grab your phone away again.

"Says here he's not even taking you to dinner. He's cooking for her at his apartment," Mingi continues scrolling.

"Look, that's a completely normal first meet-up," you tell them.

Mingi stares at you in shock.

"You got dressed up to go to some self-obsessed loser's apartment so he could cook you Kraft Mac-n-cheese and spend the night trying to fuck you?" Yunho berates. "I bet he's in sweatpants right now, too."

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