Chapter 48
*Sizhui's POV*
I don't know why but I really felt very uncomfortable.
I know the Wens wasn't able to catch me.
They didn't know I was the fucking one who took the Yin Iron, yet, I'm feeling too uneasy.
I felt that something bad might happen today.
I didn't know what happen in this time, since uncle wasn't here on the previous timeline.
I hope whatever happens, baba and father would be safe.
" A-yuan are you okay?" Baba asked me.
I looked at him confused.
" Since we came back here, you've been out. What happened?" He asked.
" Nothing A-niang, I've just been thinking of some things." I responded.
" Sizhui, all will be fine." Father consoled me. I know he knows I'm occupied.
" I know father." I smiled.
" Why don't we sleep in your room for the night? I will tell Jiang Cheng and Xichen-ge to stay in our room, for this night." Baba suggested which lift my mood up.
So this is the feeling of having a parent? I'm glad I time travelled.
* Few moments later.*
It's already time to sleep, unfortunately, baba don't want me to sleep without telling him what happened last night.
P.S. father didn't agree to him, but what can he do, when baba uses his most powerful technique that can even defeat the second jade?
What is this technique?
His puppy eyes and sweet whines.
The coldest Second Jade always melts at YunmengJiang's head disciple's puppy eyes.
So now we are sitting at the center of the room, with my parents waiting for the story of what happened last night.
After asking Uncle's permission and waiting for all the Wens to sleep, I went and sneak at the QishanWens, hidden room.
Aunt Qing already told me where is it and also gave me a map of the whole place.
When I went near the room, I notice it's heavily guarded and the level of resentment energy is too high.
Due to the first observation, I cannot come near the room thus I have to think of another method of getting the artifact.
I must not give up. I have to do this. For my parents, for the cultivation world. I must try my best to, if not stop the war, I must lessen it's destructive scale.
After thinking for a while I now know one method that could make the Yin Iron come to me, not the other way around.
I just hope this works.
Before doing what I had to do, I placed an illusion talisman, so that they couldn't hear/ see me.
After everything is settled, I went and took chenqing. This is my hope.
Hope this doesn't fail me.
I then played a melody. A melody that is not menacing, but also not heavenly. A melody that is just as if calling it's other piece towards itself.
I played the Melody with precision. My heart is racing, afraid that I might mess this up, but I keep my mind calm and played the beckoning melody.
Thank goodness luck was on my side, and the Yin Iron floated towards me.
My theory is correct.
A Yin Iron can call the other shards together.
This made it easier.
When the Yin Iron was finally in front of me, I stopped playing and grab the shards before it fell to the ground.
As soon as the artifact reach my hand, I directly bolted out of the room and fly towards the Burial mounds. Good thing none of the wens caught me ( or so I thought.)
When reaching the burial mounds, I did not stop anymore and directly sprinted to the cave and dump the Yin Iron in the blood pool.
After that, I directly went back to Nightless City.
* Back to the present*
" I did not expect that everyone will be called early, or shall I say, the Wens notice the Yin Iron gone that early. Good thing I was still on time." I explained everything.
" Well good thing you are safe. That is all that matters." Baba said as he hugged me. I returned the hug and after a while father also joined.
I wish I could stay like this forever. In the arms of the two person who I love the most in this world.
" Let's sleep now." Father said as it was clearly beyond the sleeping schedule.
" Lan Zhan don't be such a fuddy duddy." Baba said as he cutely pouted.
" Wei Ying, Sizhui needs to rest. He didn't sleep last night." Father explained. Truthfully, I was indeed exhausted, but seeing baba's bunny smile, father's reserved one, and the family hug, took all of those exhaustion away.
" Fine. Sleep well my little radish." Baba said and kisses my forehead goodnight.
Father, though didn't say a word, came to me and also ruffled my hair before going to bed with baba.
After those short family interaction, I also went to bed and prepare to sleep.
* Few hours after the trio slept.*
I felt hot.
Like literally hot.
Like I was burning or shall I say around me is burning.
I opened me eyes...
THICK SMOKE to be specific
The cottage we are staying is burning.
Someone burned our cottage....
No.... Baba and father are also here...
" BABA!!! FATHER!!!" I shouted as loud as I can hoping that they'll hear me. I went to their part of their bed only to realize.....
They tried to block the fire using any means they can, including using baba and father's new cultivation technique. Ice cultivation...
But unfortunately, it didn't work and....
Baba and Father is no more.
They are hugging each other, charcoal burned, in front of me.
What happened?
Why did this happened?
Is this the part of the butterfly effect?
Can I really not save them?
If baba and father died this time...... Then this means......
I'll also seize to exists.
As the realization came to me, I felt light as if some weights of my body were taken away from me.
I looked at my hands and realize, weights did indeed loose my body as I slowly vanish into the air. My body is slowly turning it to tidbits of light.
A lone tear fell from my eye.
Maybe the universe only want me to feel my parents love for me.
Maybe this is the end. Everything turned dark
After a while, I heard someone calling my name.
" Sizhui wake up, please." I opened my eyes to see Uncle Lan. Not the younger one I met as we time travelled but the Uncle Lan who took care of me these past years.
" Uncle Where is baba and father?" I asked hoping they also survived the fire.
" What are you talking about Sizhui? Wangji and Wuxian already died years ago. Their death still haunts me as I never get to save your father.
Did you dream about them? Or did they perhaps appear in your dreams and talked to you?
You were in coma for a week. Your Uncle Jiang, Your cousin Jin Ling, and your Uncle Now went here to visit you. Wait let me send them a message that you are now awake."
And that hits me.
Everything that happened isn't true.
I never time travelled.
I never get to meet baba and Father.
I wasn't able to save them.
Everything was an illusion.
And that is when I learned that whatever happens in the past cannot be change. We can only correct the present to achieve a good future but can never go back and change our past.
I can't help but cry.
Baba and Father please take me with you now.
~the end~