"Masquerade Part 1"

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[The episode opens to Y/N dressed in a trench coat and trilby hat walking through a train station, while surrounded by personal advisers, and other high ranking individuals within Group 935.]

Y/N's Finance Advisor: "Sir, May I ask what's the reason of the mass order of sports equipment and paper?"

Y/N: "The Equipment is for the Hellborn currently serving time at the labor camps! We don't want an uprising do we know?"

Y/N's Finance Advisor: "And the paper?"

Y/N: "In World War II, Britain along with other countries dropped leaflets among German occupied territories in hopes of inducing confusion and fear among the enemy!"

Y/N's Financial Advisor: "And that's what you're suggesting we do? Drop millions of souls worth of paper on the ground?"

Y/N: "Precisely!"

???: [Whistle] [Whistle] [Whistle]

Y/N: [Hops onto train] "Tell my generals that I expect the capital to be within Howitzer range by the time I get back!"

[The screen pans to Y/N hesitating to open the door. Y/N opens the door and is immediately reminded what's it's like living with Angel Dust.]

Angel Dust [On Tv]: "Oh harder, Daddy!"

[Vaggie is seen trying to cover Charlie's eyes before Y/N steps in to turn it off.]

Vaggie: [Caresses Y/N's Chest] "No pudiste resistirte? ¿Podrías?"
(Couldn't resist me? Could you?)

Y/N: "¡Luciendo deslumbrante como siempre! ¡Mi pequeño Angel!" (Looking ravishing as ever! My little angel!)

Charlie: "Y/Ns back!" [Jumps into Y/N's arms] "EEEEEE!"

Vaggie: "Soo anything interesting happen my little Soldado?"

Y/N: "Uhhhhh." [Remembers Grenade training.]


Y/N: "Nope nothing much! What about you guys?"

Charlie: "Same! No new volunteers..." [Frowns]

Y/N: "Hey, Hey, Hey! You're supposed to be happy?!" [A mischievous smile appears on Y/N's face] "Who's the tickle monster?"

Charlie: "Oh no, Y/N WAIT!"

[A chase begins between Y/N and Charlie making Vaggie laugh. As Y/N and Charlie's fun and games began an argument between Angel dust and Husk also started.]

Husk: "That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers!" [Gestures to Madam Pentious] "That's one. That one is an insecure buffon who watches you idiots sleep!"

Y/N: "Aww she cares about me!" [Pats Madam Pentious's head]

Husk: [To Charlie] "Princess over here is a bleeding heart who likes to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own."

Charlie: "What no? I—- Pfff, no, no." [Vaggie stares at her silently as Y/N is laughing his ass off.]

Husk: [To Vaggie] "This one. Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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