Chapter 9: The Want For Closure

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Saturday, Will was out of the house to get some groceries and Jericho was tasked with cleaning the house. He started in his room and eventually got to his closet, it was an old gaming console he had, he thought back to when he had his 12th birthday. His parents asked him what he wanted and he'd asked for the latest consoles, they were all beyond their budget but still they got it for him. It was a fun memory, full of beauty and laughter for a child but a struggling happiness for the adults that live.

Will finally got home and saw the place clean. He smiled softly, proud to see how much Jericho had changed.
"Hey! I got something for us!"
Jericho's voice echoed from the bathroom
"Give me a moment!"
Eventually he got out and saw Will holding two notebooks, Jericho gasped and shouted.
"Wait! Are we gonna do another art competition?"
"Hell yeah!"
The two of them got a table and were having fun drawing, hours passed, they cooked food and got water, another hour passed and they finished and drew 4 drawings. They did rock paper scissors to decide who'd go first, Will won. Will showed a drawing of him crying while hugging someone. Jericho teared up and said to Will softly.
"This was when we first met up, right?"
Will looked happy yet talked in a bittersweet way.
"Yeah... I was so happy to finally meet you in real life, I felt so much hope finally knew that was a future for me."
Jericho showed his, it was a drawing of two people, the left side was filled with horrible monsters, eyes peering into souls, worms crawling into wounds, veins covering the walls. The right side was a dark void, with a person sitting alone.
Jericho talked with regret in his heart.
"I couldn't be there for you, even though I texted you everyday, I couldn't. I wish I could've done more. I knew my own pain but didn't know yours"
Will got a cup of water and drank it and talked solemnly.
"You were dealing with your own bullshit, you can't blame yourself all the time. You were the only one who saw me as a man, when the rest of the world saw me as a woman and to me, that was enough."
The two shared their drawings and their stories together, happily, both comforting one another and being completely transparent. It was like seeing a beautiful painting or a peaceful landscape. Eventually night fell and Jericho went to bed but Will didn't. He was still drawing, each stroke of the pen was filled with emotion it almost felt beautiful, each line that was drawn was imperfect flawed but so incredibly human. His hands switching positions to get each line correct, the fingers adjusting force to get the right amount of stress, his legs adjusting ever so slightly to have full control over his hands. everything about this drawing was incredibly human. The final stroke of the pen was made. His drawing was one of purity and felt truly divine.

"Please Live"

"Please Live"

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