Chapter 8: The Transition of Reality

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The Angel spoke, with an apathetic and lifeless voice.

“All will die in Adam but through it, we will live eternally. Engrave this encounter for your fate will be told in the hearts of many even if it will all be for vanity.”

The walls melted and a divine light shone till eventually, nothing. The void returned to its master and it cried in agony, darkness shook and the light wavered but the calling of love returned reality to its proper place.

“Hey! I’m here! Wake up, please…”

A girl’s voice shouted and eventually started to break. Jericho heard the call and opened his eyes immediately, he could taste blood in his mouth and his nose was dripping warm blood.

“Will! Yeah sorry, I’m okay!”

“You don’t need to lie about it! I know you’re sick. Just please, for me, be yourself, don’t try to be strong, don’t try to be someone you’re not.”

Will cried out and he grabbed Jericho’s shoulders. His hands shook but still he tried to keep composure. Jericho couldn’t talk, he looked glum and just hugged Will.

Moments later, they started to walk home, Jericho thought about how Will found him and so asked and Will answered.
“I just remembered where you used to take me when I was sad. I figured you’d be there too.”
Jericho was happy and felt touched and they got home.

Jericho went into his room and laid down on his bed. His room was still dirty but significantly cleaner and it no longer smelled. Jericho put on headphones and listened to music whilst staring at the ceiling. It was boring but felt peaceful, beautiful and melancholic. He hummed the songs, sung them sometimes and eventually fell asleep.

On the other side of Jericho’s room was Will’s, he held a document and his hands shook and tears fell.
“This was our dream…”
Almost as if the God’s heard his cries, a divine pillar of light pierced through Will’s room and dark red blood slowly climbed up the pillar of light, it exploded, blood scattered throughout the room and bits of organs spread throughout the room and once again an Angel appeared, it had wings made of eyes, a halo made of smashed livers, and clothes that were worn by popes.
“Still trying to buy tickets to heaven? William?”
Will stood up and said in a stern and frustrated voice.
“Cut the shit, Ariel, you know full well how corrupt heaven is and how many times I’ve begged for the two of us to get into heaven but the condition changed every time we achieved your goals!”
Ariel had a hearty laugh, almost as if it was mocking humanity’s existence.
“William, I know you don’t remember but you were an angel a long time ago so I’ll tell you a secret, a revelation if you will. God died millions of years ago. No one can go to heaven, all will suffer eternal damnation.”
Will had a look of shock and reached to grab Ariel’s neck but his hand exploded immediately before he could even get close to Ariel’s neck but even so, he pushed through and punched Ariel in the face and knocked the Angel down. Will was furious and shouted.
“Then what was everything I did for? How many people did you order me to kill just to fill your twisted desires!”.
William stomped furiously and went blind with rage and as he gained consciousness he was laying on his bed with tears overflowing from his eyes.

Author's note: I made no mistakes here. All is intentional

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