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A/N- This one is a little off topic.I recently lost my cat to an accident and I wanted to write a song for his memory.So,I thought of putting it here so it stays with me.You can skip this one if that's not something you're interested in.


V1-I couldn't take it in
I couldn't take in the facts
That you're no more with me
When you were all I ever had

V2-Hit my head on the wall, lay on the ground
Couldn't keep my tears in,even in the busy crowds
It's all my fault I couldn't save you in time
I have always pretend I'm fine

But today I can't no more×2

PC-Forgive me for not saving your soul love
Now I feel like I don't have any love any more
Nothing feels like it once used to be my dear
Everywhere I walk I can't help but feel empty

C- I'm lovesick for eternity
Feels like no point of me
When I can't hold you ) ×3
Close to me

B-Im on my pillow tryna sleep
Haunted by your endless memories
Sleeping pills laying by the scene
Then you were still in my dreams

Or maybe they are nightmares now?

C- I'm lovesick for eternity
Feels like no point of me
When I can't hold you ) ×3
Close to me

Moonlight (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now