Episode 119 - I'm Getting Tired

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Chelsea had woken up, pushing herself up, she was now sitting on Ah-Un but facing backward. Rin was sitting in front of her; Jaken had the reins as they walked, while Sesshomaru walked ahead.

"Wooh, I didn't realize I was that tired." Chelsea rubbed her eyes, she still felt exhausted, but she didn't think sleeping was going to help anymore because this was a different kind of tiredness. She didn't recognize it, but it didn't bother her, just made her uncomfortable enough.

"Oh! You're awake!" Rin chirped looking back at her.

Chelsea smiled at her, "Yeah, that was a good nap."

Jaken let out a huff, "Women, what if something happened and you were sleeping? Wouldn't it bother you that something happened?"

Chelsea started at him, "Well everyone needs rest, and I would hope that no one would mess with me anyway. I'm not the best when someone wakes me up." She put her head down and buried her face in her scarf. "I'm still so tired!" Her voice was muffled.

Rin giggled. "Well, maybe you can go back to sleep in a bit, it's already getting dark." She looked up.

Sitting back up, she looked at the sky as well. "You're right." Chelsea let out a heavy sigh, "We'll see." She hopped off Ah-Un and started walking, her body was achy, she didn't know why. She hadn't done anything, but it felt like she ran a marathon with a hundred-pound pack on. Why? I don't like this. She whined to herself.

Jaken looked at her up-and-down, "What is your problem?" He watched as she walked grudgingly, dragging herself.

Chelsea moaned, "I don't know." She looked down, "I'm tired and sore and all emotional and my eyes hurt, my legs hurt, tummy hurts." She continued to go on and on. "I want hugs and cuddles and snuggles." She pushed her scarf up to her face. "I want to be wrapped up in a cozy blanket on a cozy bed and sleep."

Jaken looked at her with wide eyes, "I didn't mean for you to say it!" He barked and ran up ahead. "Get over it."

Chelsea narrowed her eyes at him, "I wanna throw a rock at him." She grumbled.

Rin road up next to her, "Are you ok?" She asked kindly.

Chelsea let out a heavy sigh, "I think so." She tilted her head, "I just think I'm over tired so I'm a mess." She admitted.

Rin nodded, "I understand that. When I'm really tired my eyes hurt and I want to get cozy too."

Chelsea chuckled, "I wish there was a way to just take a break from everything and go to a hotel or something."

Rin looked at her, "A hotel?"

"Oh," Chelsea looked back at her, "A inn." She corrected herself. "It's like a hotel, just a different name."

"I see." Rin nodded.

"Chelsea." The smooth voice male voice danced on the air.

Chelsea's hair stood up, it gave her goosebumps. "Yeah?"

He was looking back at her, his honey-golden eyes were bright against the creeping darkness. "Do you sense Naraku?" He asked gently.

"The crystals haven't faded my Lord." Jaken held up the little shards in his hand.

His lord didn't respond.

Chelsea looked at Sesshomaru. "Oh um." She looked past Sesshomaru in the direction they were headed. "The energy hasn't moved." She said then made eye contact with the young lord.

He turned and continued to walk.

"My Lord?" Jaken wondered after him, "She is so tired she doesn't know what she's sensing." He said.

"I know, she is very tired." He could feel her energy, it was so drained. "You just let me know when the crystals have faded, she tells me which direction to go." His voice was low, trying to make sure Chelsea couldn't hear him.

"Yes, my Lord!" Jaken said cheerfully as he followed Lord Sesshomaru.

Rin and Chelsea followed; Chelsea gazed up at the sky above them, it seemed so distant due to the illusion of the cliffs on either side of them being so high.

The sky was getting dark, Chelsea's eyes once again started to grow heavy. She rubbed them, "Agh, What's wrong with me?" She grumbled.

Rin looked at her, "Maybe you're hungry, we haven't had a good meal in a while."

Chelsea thought for a moment, Rin was right, it had been a while. "That is probably it." She looked at Rin.

She smiled, "When we get out of this gorge we can go look for food."

Chelsea nodded, "That sounds like a great idea." She then let out a huge yawn. "Ugh." She was getting frustrated.

Rin giggled.

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