Episode 120 - A Long Farewell

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The group got out of the gorge as the sun started to rise, Rin and Chelsea looked around for something to eat, but there wasn't much. Though Chelsea did catch a few fish, Rin found some roots and herbs to eat. Sesshomaru stood nearby while Chelsea cooked the fish for her and Rin to eat, while Rin kept looking for other things.

They weren't there that long, Chelsea could sense that Sesshomaru wanted to leave, so she just grabbed the cooked fish, and they started walking. Rin got on Ah-Un and ate her fish and veggies. Jaken was being snappy and loud the whole while, criticizing the girls for taking so long and holding them up when they were so close.

They walked for what seemed like another long while, the path that they followed led them to another stoney scape. Pillars of rocks stood up around them, some gathered together to make tall large rock towers.

Chelsea let out a shiver, "Oh gosh." She shook harder trying to make it stop.

Sesshomaru turned his head, seeing her shake, "What is it?"

"Ah." She rubbed her arms, as she hugged herself like she was cold, but she looked to be just painfully uncomfortable. "Don't you feel that?" She felt the familiar feeling, but this time it was much more harsh.

Jaken was staring at the shards in his little fist intensely, one by one they slowly started to fade as he walked further. "My Lord!" He chirped.

Sesshomaru looked from Chelsea to Jaken.

"The shards are fading!" He jumped as he held them up to his lord. "Naraku's heart is nearby!"

Sesshomaru looked around, he knew Chelsea had been near the heart before, there was no problem then. In fact, she was attracted to it before. What is the difference now? He wondered. "Where is it coming from?" His voice was quiet.

Chelsea continued to look around. "I have no idea." It was all around them, like they were surrounded by it.

Sesshomaru looked back at her, she was looking around fervently; her expression was confused and nervous.

Rin pointed at one of the tall rock formations near them, "Look!"

They all looked at Rin.

"There's a cave up there!" She shook her hand as she pointed.

They all followed the direction she was pointing, there, infact was a cave high up on the nearby cliff face.

Sesshomaru followed the way they were pointing, there was a large cave high up on the wall. "Stand back." His voice was calm, as he took out his sword Tokijin, and gave it a hard swing. Sending a ball of demonic energy towards the large crack in the cliff face.

The attack smashed hard into the rock face, large rocks tumbled down, as the lord's sword energy shook the wall and blew open the cave. A figure leaped out of the cave dodging the attack, it landed on the ground nearby. As the dust cleared, a demon was revealed standing before them.

"Inuyasha's brother, is it?" The demon's skin looked to be a green hard armor, one of his shoulders was spiny and massive. The arm it protected was leathery looking, while the other arm had the green armor protecting it. His head was humanoid, with short lavender hair.

Chelsea stepped back, that energy was so harsh. "Oof." She put a shield up, then bent down and put her hands on her knees.

Rin looked at her, "Are you ok?"

She stood like that for a moment, "Not sure." Chelsea then staggered back slightly.

The young lord looked at her, watching her get back, then looked at the demon in front of him with a hard stare. "I have never considered that half-demon to be my brother." He said coldly. "But if you possess that knowledge, you must be Naraku's heart." He lifted his sword ready to fight.

The Angel And The Demon (Sesshomaru Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora