Episode 123 - Chasing The Heart Of Naraku.

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The group wondered, continuing their mission to find Naraku, but now Sesshomaru had another task. Refining the new ability that his sword now had, any demons that had come their way the lord would slice a hole in the wall that divided the worlds. Sesshomaru was looking for demons to use this power on, practicing to make it perfect.

They had been walking around slaying demons for days, maybe even weeks, Sesshomaru's Meido had grown. Little by little it was growing, like the more demons the attack swallowed, the larger it got. Sesshomaru was unsure though, that didn't seem like the way to gain more power with this attack. There was something more to it, how could he gain more power to make the attack stronger?

One of the nights they were walking it was very dark, the moon was nowhere to be seen in the starry sky. It was almost too dark, Chelsea was looking up at the stars, the night sky was beautiful to her.

Rin was looking at her tiredly, "Chelsea you should be careful, you might trip." She let out a yawn.

She chuckled and looked at Rin, they were in a rocky area once again, the ground was super flat, she actually hadn't been able to walk comfortably without her heels sinking into the ground for a while. "It's alright, I'm-" She paused.

Rin had fallen asleep on Ah-Un.

She smiled and looked back up, "It's too beautiful not to look at." Chelsea let out a sigh, as she spoke quietly to herself. But then she bumped into something hard, "Oof." She looked in front of her.

Sesshomaru had stopped.

She looked around him, "What?"

"Will you stop daydreaming already?" Jaken spat.

Chelsea looked down at the imp, "Technically I was just dreaming." She huffed back at him.

There was monstrous laughter in front of them, they were all growling and drooling as they approached.

"Hello." Chelsea said curiously.

The monsters roared at them.

Chelsea's eyes widened as she looked around Sesshomaru at the large monsters.

Sesshomaru drew his blade, Tenseiga, he swung elegantly through the air.

Behind the demons that confronted them, a void opened, slicing them to pieces and sucking the top halves of them away. The void then closed, leaving the rest of the new demon corpses fall to the ground.

"Magnificent!" Jaken cheered, "Lord Sesshomaru and all his glory!" He cheered.

Chelsea titled her head, "You've been doing that a lot."

Jaken glared at her, "Well, he needs to perfect the attack!" He barked. "If he doesn't practice then how is he going to get more powerful."

Chelsea looked from the imp to Sesshomaru, "Well, I know that, but it doesn't look that different from when he started."

The demon lord stiffened up at her words, his mind circled with what Totosai said after he learned this attack..."You have just performed the Meido Zangetsuha. You're limited to a crescent moon at the moment, but once your technique is perfected it will be a full moon. Which completely swallows your foe and sends them to the next world." His words were solum as he spoke.

The lord looked back at her over his shoulder, she was looking down at the imp. Then looked back ahead, "So..." He said to himself, "I still have work to do." He sheathed his sword and started walking again.

Chelsea and Jaken looked after him; he looked deep in thought now.

Jaken looked up at her, "Look what you did?!" He snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2024 ⏰

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