Episode 121 - A Change of Heart?

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There was a low flat rock with a tree near it, the grass was soft but thin due to the stoney ground. Ah-Un laid down and got comfortable, Chelsea helped Rin gently slide down and stay comfortable. Jaken sat down next to the beast and crossed his arms, watching his lord sit up on a rock.

Once Chelsea got Rin cozy, She touched Ah-Un's tail, "Good night guys." She laid her head down on the scaly tail, laying in the thicker grass. "Oof."

Jaken's eyes got heavy, "Hopefully you'll be more awake and not slow us down tomorrow." He grumped.

Chelsea waved at Jaken, "Hey." Her voice was a whisper.

The imp looked at her, "What? Go to sleep?" He snapped.

"Ugh." She sighed, "What happened to Tokijin?" She whispered.

Jaken grimaced as he looked at her, "It broke as he battled with the demon that concealed Naraku's heart." He whispered back.

"Oh no." Chelsea looked at Sesshomaru.

The lord just stared out to the water, his mind still swimming with the thoughts of today and also wondering what he should do now that he doesn't have a blade. It was all just a large inconvenience now, he looked at his small companions.

Jaken was looking back at him, while Rin and Chelsea were fast asleep on Ah-Un. He was surprised Chelsea had fallen asleep once again, he knew they were all tired, lately they had been moving a lot and at a faster pace.

Sesshomaru looked back out to the ocean and continued to ponder. He continued to think and wonder, his mind wondered until the sun started to come up once more.

The sunrise was beautiful, as the sun rose from the ocean, like a giant orb of water formed as it rose to create the sun. There were fluffy white clouds hanging in the sky as the sky changed from a deep indigo to a joyful bright blue, the ocean was so bright as it reflected off the sky.

Sesshomaru didn't sleep, he was still deep in thought. Thinking about the day before, there was so much going on and now happening so fast.

The others had woken up slowly, one by one, Jaken being last because he stayed up as late sitting with his lord.

Chelsea was up first, she laid quietly and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean. She could feel that Sesshomaru was off, his energy was just harsh. Is he really that upset about her? She looked at him, then back out past him to the water. She felt disappointed, as she thought about the history of them. Yeah she's gone now and she doesn't have to worry about her, but it didn't feel good knowing that this was a problem.

It wasn't long; Rin woke up, stretching her little hands to the sky she let out a big yawn. "Where are we?" She looked around. "Oh! The ocean!" Her voice was cheerful and excited.

Chelsea looked over at her, "Morning." She greeted her.

Rin looked at Chelsea with a big smile, "Good morning! It's so nice today, isn't it?"

Chelsea looked at the sky, "It is a nice day isn't it." She smiled, feeling Rin's cheery energy made her feel a bit better, it was a nice distraction. "Did you sleep well?"

Rin gave a hardy nod, "Yup." She stood and started running around. "I'm hungry."

Letting out a sigh, Chelsea let out a chuckle, "Well, let's find something to eat." She sat up and started wondering after Rin.

Rin looked at her as she followed, "What do you want?" She asked her.

Chelsea looked down at her, she asked the question like she could pick off a menu. She let out a sigh, Personally, I want a burger with French fries. She crossed her arms in front of her. "I want something savory, like meat."

Rin stood and stared at her for a moment, "Maybe we can fish?" She looked back over towards Sesshomaru.

"Eh, later, ocean fishing is a pain." Chelsea looked back, "Especially in the pacific."

Rin looked up at her, "Yeah?"

"Yeah, you need a super strong rod, and a really long line. Or a boat with a net." She explained, then looked around, "We'll find a stream or river, maybe even a lake."

Rin looked around, "I don't see any nearby though."

"It's alright." Chelsea shrugged, "We'll find something later."

"Ok!" Rin continued to look around, "I'm sure we can find something for breakfast."

"I'm sure." Chelsea casually looked around as well.

After they searched and started breakfast Jaken woke up, he was grumpy as usual.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jaken looked at what Rin and Chelsea had found for food. It was mostly herbs and roots, they did find a few berries though.

Chelsea looked at him, "What?" She popped a few berries in her mouth, "There isn't a whole lot around here."

Jaken picked up a root, "This is..." He paused and looked at it.

Rin looked disappointed.

Chelsea was glaring at him, "It's fine." Her voice was threatening.

Jaken felt shivers up his spine, "You don't scare me woman!" He spat.

"Well, you should." She continued to glare at him.

After they ate, Chelsea looked over at Sesshomaru, he was still staring out to the ocean. He hadn't moved since he sat there last night, it was starting to get concerning. "Jaken?"

He looked at her, "What?"

Chelsea looked at the imp, "Is he going to be ok?" She motioned towards Sesshomaru speaking in a low tone.

Jaken looked at his Lord. "He's just pondering his next moves." He scoffed, "Isn't it obvious."

"Well," Chelsea paused. "no, he's been there all night."

Rin patted Chelsea's knee, "Don't worry Chelsea." She smiled, "He'll be ok."

Chelsea gazed back at Sesshomaru, "Alright." She sighed then leaned back.

Rin walked over to a small patch of flowers, "Jaken come look." She cheered.

The imp waddled over to her, "What?" He asked.

"Look at all these flowers!" She picked on and stuck it on the forehead of the imp, "There!" then started a small handful of them.

"Ah!" He tried to look up at his forehead, trying to swat it off. "Why?" He yelped.

Rin giggled.

The imp finally swatted it off, "Will you cut that out?" He snapped.

Rin just laughed harder.

The Angel And The Demon (Sesshomaru Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora