Courfeyrac: Freezing

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Disclaimer: I don't own Les Miserables

Note: Gavroche is 10 years old in this and he doesn't have the two little boys to take care of

The young boy walked through the empty streets of Paris, ducking his head and pulling his thin blue jacket tighter around himself as the harsh winter wind blew against him. At ten years old he had been taking care of himself for a long time. Even on the days where he didn't think he could survive, the thing that helped him keep going was his pride. But even tonight, when the wind was harsh and the snow coming down in blankets, the boy had to admit he needed help.

So that was how Gavroche found himself standing outside the door to the apartment of one of Les Amis de l'ABC. He reached his hand out tentatively and knocked. He waited a moment, but heard no movement. He was just thinking about walking away when the door was suddenly flung open.

"Gavroche?" Courfeyrac said in surprise to seeing the young boy standing outside his door in the middle of the night.

"H-Hello monsieur," the boy mumbled through his chattering teeth. Courfeyrac took in the boy's snow covered appearance, chattering teeth, and slightly blue complexion before pulling the boy inside.

"Gavroche you're freezing!" he exclaimed, "Come sit here, come on." He placed Gavroche on the couch and hurried to wrap a blanket around the boy.

"Merci monsieur," the boy said, feeling warmer already.

"What were you doing walking about in this?" Courfeyrac questioned, setting about making tea for himself and warming some milk for the boy.

"You – You said I could – could come here if I never needed a place to stay," Gavroche mumbled, stuttering over some of the words as he worried Courfeyrac had not meant what he's said.

"Of course!" Courfeyrac said immediately, "It's really cold out tonight isn't it?" Gavroche nodded, accepting the warm milk with a smile.

"Merci monsieur!" he said again, drinking the milk and feeling the warmth spread through his body.

"You're very welcome," Courfeyrac smiled at the boy and sat next to him, "Have you been outside long?"

"I'm not really sure," Gavroche admitted, "I was lying in my elephant trying to sleep, but it was really cold. It was dark when I left, but it was really cold so it took a lot longer to get here."

"Well I'm glad you came here instead of freezing," Courfeyrac said, putting his arm around the boy to try and share some of his body heat, "And you're welcome here anytime alright? If you're freezing or you just don't want to be out there, I want you to come here, okay?" The gamin nodded, smiling up at his friend.

Come on, let's get you to bed," Courfeyrac said, when Gavroche had finished his milk, "You can sleep in my bed tonight; I'll be on the couch if you need anything."

"I don't want to take your bed!" Gavroche exclaimed, looking horrified at the idea.

"Its fine mon ami," Courfeyrac laughed, "I still have some work to finish out here so if you were to sleep out here I'd just be keeping you awake."

"I don't mind," Gavroche said as Courfeyrac led him down a small hallway to his bedroom.

"I do, now come on, take off your jacket and climb in," Courfeyrac told the boy. Gavroche did as he was told and Courfeyrac hung the jacket on the back of a chair and then tucked the blankets around the young gamin.

"Get some sleep Gavroche," He whispered as the boy drifted off, falling asleep in warmth for the first time in months.

Alright, here's part one. I am going to be doing one for Enjolras, Grantaire, Combeferre, Joly, and Jehan. If you can think of something Feuilly, Bossuet, and Bahorel could help him with then let me know cause I don't know how to write their characters like I do the others so any suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks for reading!

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