Joly and Bossuet: Sick

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Bossuet was walking through the dark streets of Paris on his way home when something suddenly stopped him. He paused and listened. From an alleyway just ahead of him he heard coughing. Walking forward, he peered down the alley and saw a small figure curled up on the ground.

"Gavroche!" he said, recognizing the little boy. The child lifted his head fully to see who had called him and saw Bossuet standing there.

"Bonjour Monsieur Bossuet," he said, his voice sounding hoarse and weak in comparison to his usual enthusiasm.

"Gavroche what are you doing out here? Why aren't you in your elephant?" Bossuet questioned, hurrying over to the boy.

"Really far," Gavroche said, "And everything started spinning so I sat down and now I'm just really tired." Bossuet took in the gamin's pale complexion and disheveled – more so than usual – appearance. That combined with his voice and what he was telling Bossuet all lead the man to one conclusion.

"You're ill," Bossuet said and, without giving any warning to the boy, lifted him in his arms and started walking home again.

"Where are we going Monsieur?" the child asked quietly.

"I'm taking you home with me," Bossuet told him, "Joly is there, he'll take care of you." It was proof of how bad the boy was feeling that he didn't deny he needed help. Instead, he nodded and laid his head on Bossuet's shoulder, leaning tiredly against the student. Bossuet finally made it home and hurried up the stairs to his flat.

"Joly!" he called as soon as he was in the door. The man in question walked into their tiny front room and stopped, taking in the sight before him.

"Gavroche?" he said and hurried forward, "What happened to him?"

"I don't know," Bossuet admitted as he set the boy down on their couch, "I believe he is ill. I found him in an alleyway not too far from here like this." Joly started checking Gavroche's temperature and pulse while Bossuet got the man his medical bag.

"Thank you," Joly said, taking it and getting out everything he needed, "Can you please get me a bucket of cool water and some cloths?" Bossuet nodded and did as he was asked.

"Gavroche? Gavroche can you hear me?" Joly said quietly. The boy stirred slightly and opened his eyes.

"Joly?" he said, looking confused, "Where am I?"

"You're at mine and Bossuet's flat," Joly informed him, "He found you when he was walking home and brought you here. You're very ill Gavroche."

"What's wrong with me?" Gavroche asked and with his wide eyes and flushed cheeks Joly was reminded once again that Gavroche was just a child. He acted older because he had to grow up fast living on the streets, but he was still just a child; a child who was ill and scared.

"I suspect it's probably a strain of influenza," Joly told him, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder, "But I promise you're going to be fine." Gavroche nodded, unconsciously leaning into the touch. Bossuet came back then with the supplied Joly had requested.

"Alright, we're going to take your jacket off you okay?" Joly said gently and Gavroche nodded weakly. Joly nodded to Bossuet who helped the gamin sit up as Joly took his jacket off,. The boy immediately started shivering and tried to move away from the two students when they went to take his shirt off too.

"I know you're cold Gavroche, but we need to get your fever down," Joly said apologetically. They had the boy lie down and they wet the cloths before placing them on his forehead and chest. Gavroche squirmed in discomfort and Joly ran a comforting hand through the gamin's blonde hair.

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