Harriet woke up the next morning, feeling groggy and upset that Bert just coaxed her towards reconsidering instead of escaping this dump.
In retrospect, she's kind of glad Bert talked her out of it.
Based on what Bert told her as well as the weird stuff over in the attic, this island's probably five times the size of Rhode Island and she could easily get lost wandering in the woods or run into some kind of horrible beast that would tear her limb from limb.
It's not like her wand would help either. She didn't bother memorizing the spells from yesterday and it's not like the wand came with any instruction book. Maybe the spells would come to her when she needs it most, but she highly doubt that.
And then there's this whole "hating-magic-her-whole-life" she's had in her head since day one.
She isn't entirely wrong about why she feels like it, but has it made go blind to all the good the Fantastical Mystics could bring?
Harriet was always the type of kid who lives in the moment, the one who felt comfortable in her home surroundings no matter how uncomfortable and dour things looked. Whether it be hanging in Innsmouth watching TV or pestering the Sixpence Scouts for getting themselves into danger, she always felt a sense of peace magic would never provide.
Not to say she had plenty of danger before she came to the Academy, it's just that they were never...brought up again.
Perhaps it's part of the curse that zapped her newborn brain.
Harriet felt angry for learning that she had dementia already in her life, but she still knows who she is and where she truly belongs.
She also remembers what she's supposed to take care of today as well as how to school that Newt prick.
Harriet glanced at her alarm clock next to her bed. It's already five minutes before ten.
"Well..." Harriet smacks her lips before finishing. "Time to get this whole duel over with."
She took off her pink pajamas and quickly put on her usual hand-me-downs and snatched the dark oak wood near her laptop, which was left undisturbed since she returned to her room way early in the morning.
"Ya better be good to me," Harriet murmured to her wand before putting on her sneakers and leaving her room.
In the Grand Hall, Aloysius is currently pacing on one of the long tables, specifically the one in the middle. Every table is filled with students on each side with some of the teachers watching in the front. They all couldn't help talking amongst themselves, especially some of them who are already cranky from getting up on a Saturday for school.
Betsy Parris was the only one who didn't seem bothered by this grandstanding.
"Mister Spinks, I sincerely doubt she'll show up..." Miss Hazelnut said exhaustedly. "...or even acknowledge your confrontation."
Aloysius stopped pacing and turned to her, "You really should consider going by first-name status for your pupils."
"I would if I give a damn."
"Miss Hazelnut..." Betsy smiled cheekily. "...if Al wants to finish things up with Harry, then there's no reason to stop them from duking it out."
"Since when was Mister Spinks your priority, Miss Parris?"
"Since she besmirched his honor not once, but twice," Charity answered.
"Thank you, Sweet Charity, but I can speak for myself," Betsy then cleared her throat. "So, you see, Miss Hazelnut, Dragonbord's got enough of an ego. I think it's about time for somebody to knock her down a few pegs, especially from Newt."

Harriet Jinjur vs. the Academy
FantasyWelcome to the Academy of the Fantastical Mystics! A gothic learning institution dedicated to mastering the art of magic and adventure! That would entice 11-year-old Harriet Jinjur, but seeing as she's the survivor of a magic-based home invasion tha...