Chapter 12: The Underground Vault

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Betsy and Charity glanced about them during their trek under the Academy. So far, they didn't find anything interesting to note since they left Max's ramshackle room.

"So, this is the Crimson Catacombs," Charity remarked. "Not as terrifying as I thought it'd be."

"Looks can be deceiving, Charity," Betsy said atop her floating broomstick that's doing all the walking for her. "It's probably where Hazelnut decided to send Harriet once she kept getting detention. Why else would she make Veximus keep her there for days."

"Maybe they just went into the forest?"

"Not likely. With tales of vicious monsters and lunatics, this is where all the horrible things on the island go," said Betsy. "At least, according to what I read in the library. I'd check myself, but I'm more of use here than out getting myself killed."

Charity turned her head slowly, "You think that whatever that girl's guarding is horrible too?"

"It's gotta be," she said sharply. "Why else would Henrietta Hazelnut, the old guard of the remaining magic school out there, would be interested in it? Whatever it is, we must get our hands on it first."

"How? We don't even know what it is."

"I've read more than merely terrifying behemoths, my sweet Charity," Betsy smiled. "The Silver Age of the Fantastical Mystics happens to have its own share of man-made horrors."

Just then, a figure reappears in front of them, causing Betsy's broomstick to stop before hitting him and sending its rider off on the ground.

"Eek!" Charity yelped. "Is he part of that?"

"Bert?" Betsy gripped the handle of her broomstick to keep herself still. "How on earth did you get over here?"

"Or more likely, under earth?"

"That'll be all, Charity," she moaned.

"No idea," Bert admitted earnestly. "I'm pre'ty sur' I was talkin' Mrs. Jinjur befor'..."

"Probably decided to bail on her..." a small smile creeped up Betsy's mouth. " favor of that vault."

"Wot?" said Bert. "I would nevah do dat!"

"Then, where is she? Surely, you wanted her to tag along."

"She mus've got'en los'," Bert said, believing it to the truth. "Nofing nefa'ious like dat."

"I think he's telling the truth, Betsy," whispered Charity. "Miss Hazelnut did tell him to keep an eye on her."

"Doing a bang-up job, I've noticed," Betsy then turned to Bert. "Why don't we work together and go looking for her. She's probably after what that four-eyed gremlin's guarding too."

"Impos'ible! 'Arriet told me 'erself she 'ad no interes' in pursuin' in such mat'ahs!"

Betsy tsked and shook her head, "Poor, naive Bert. You fell right into her little fib."

"Fib?" Charity jumped up slightly.

"She would nevah lie ta me."

"You've only knew her for two months and based on how she's been, Harriet isn't exactly the bastion of good values," said Betsy. "Then again, you might've hearing things since your mind was so focused on finding what your headmistress asked of you to accomplish."

"Yew talkin' nonsens'," Bert glared at her. "'Arriet 'ad good re'son not ta 'ang wif yew, compared ta 'er new friend."

"And yet, here you are, not respecting her new friend's wishes."

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